Misfit Tunes The Magazine January 2015 | Page 22

ONE TO kylehenley What is your government name? Kyle Henley Where were you born/raised? Born in Detroit, Raised IN baltimore from the age of 5. What are your influences? God & Weed kylehenleym4r How did you come up with your stage name? I used to go as Guapo...or Guap for short...but my music is alot more personal...felt like a stage name wasn’t fitting anymore...so I go as my real name... erything to my music...I held YBH for almost 3 years because I didn’t think it was ready. ...im a perfectionist... my love for my music has giving me the best and worst times...but it has in return helped to reveal who I really was to myself...and for that I’m grateful...think my music... What is your most recent project? YOUNG, BLACK & HANDSOME kylehenley Why are you a performer? Because I have no other choice...I feel like performing is my purpose in life...or one of them... If you were not making music what would you be doing? trapping and studying to be an environmental engineer lol kylehenleym4r How would you describe your sound/music? Musically, Im Jayz and Michael Jackson’s bastard child...hope that does it... Do you love your music? Of course...I’ve devoted ev22 Fame Fortunes & Felonies What does your lyrics say about you/your character? My lyrics define me...my train of thought...or what I’m feeling at the time...as they should. I don’t portray to be some entertainer or stage name...im kyle...and that’s what you get when you hear my shit. What’s next for you? I have alot of music...about 3 albums in the stash...im deciding which one to release next...but I’ll say this...I plan on taking the sound of music in general to a new height. ..hip hop is just the beginning... What is your definition of success? Looking around...and all my day 1 brothers...sisters... and ND family are around laughing and living life to the fullest...nobody wanting for nothing...and I can say I had a hand in making it happen... happiness. How will you know when you have “made it”? When I know longer have to answer these kinds of questions...people just know me... know my story...my background...my journey... How many live performances have you done? I’ve performed alot of times... too many to count...I don’t think I’ve had my best performance yet...im still perfecting my stage presence...but I can def say I bring alot of energy, on the other hand I’ve def had a bad performace...I used to take voice lessons up morgan www.MisfitTunes.com