One thing that greatly affects my atten-
tion is the possible reflection on the
compositional schemes proposed by
Misa Aihara in her paintings. This is
why the form comes back strongly in
favor. The compositional schemes of
Misa can be found as real drawings in-
side a carpet, a painting, a floor made of
hand-made tiles of a beautiful villa, a fa-
shion t-shirt, etc. etc.
These complex compositional schemes
are the result of years of study of the
form. They are also the manifestation of
overcoming traditional Japanese compo-
sitional schemes to immerse themselves
in the sea of the oblivion of contempo-
rary art to the purest law of cause and
In front of a picture of Misa, the specta-
tor should leave the imagination free
and find its own meanings, without the
intermediation of rationality.