Who speaks of “color philosophy” or
of “philosopher who loves and studies
colors”, applying these terms to Misa
Aihara, certainly makes no wrong.
Philosophy means love for knowledge
and Misa Aihara has an immense love
for colors, which she considers as a
tool for perceiving, understanding and
interpreting the real that surrounds us.
It is interesting to see how some co-
lors have evolved in Misa Aihara’s art
over the years. The basic blue color
has changed in shades (but also
orange and red have undergone a tran-
sformation). The blue color in Misa’s
works has evolved and moved to the
“sky blue” color that we recognize
even better than a simple glance. Na-
turally Misa Aihara is aware of this
and she communicates this with her
writings to all her fans.