Mining Mirror April 2019 | Page 39

Cradle to grave South African coal operations are under pressure to reduce capital expenditure on infrastructure. With research and technology as a key driver of most suppliers, new technologies are continuously in the pipeline to meet the changing needs of the industry. According to Ken Basson, director plant and engineering at B&E International, the company’s R&D focus has allowed it to develop its own primary coal crushing plant. The plant, currently under construction, is track mounted and will be launched soon. “The design is aimed at further reducing unit costs that we can achieve when conducting a contract for a customer. Its high-volume capacity means better efficiencies while being able to serve multiple small deposits on the same mine site,” says Basson. Water conservation in the coal beneficiation process is another element of the company’s R&D. It is exploring practical options for ‘dry separation’ technology for coal plants, in collaboration with a local university. Traditional water-based coal- washing technology is a major consumer of water in mine plants. Easing coal mines’ risk B&E International is developing a track-mounted mobile coal crushing solution. “Whether a project is greenfield or brownfield, we can assist in providing solutions and addressing challenges,” says Basson. “For existing plants, our engineering team can identify and address constraints in the process — whether the equipment is ours or a competitor’s. We conduct detailed studies on how customers can remove bottlenecks from their plants,” Basson adds. APRIL 2019 MINING MIRROR [37]