Letter From The Editor
What MindMag is all about
Dear Reader,
first let me say thank you for choosing to read our magazine. To all those who this is their first time picking up MindMag, welcome and I hope you enjoy. Today I'm going to explain what we founded MindMag for. We decided that our society became to easily halted by an obstacle. We wanted to share the definition of Growth Mindset, and maybe inspire others to pursue one. Carol Dweck says a mindset is "self-perception or "self-theory" someones holds about themselves”. She says that people with a fixed mindset believe that their basic qualities like intelligence or talents are fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their traits instead of developing them. These people believe that there is no way to change their intellignece, that they are either born smart or dumb and that this can't change. On the flip side people with a growth Mindset can develop new skills through dedication and hard work. Almost treating their brain like a muscle and training it that way. People with a Growth Mindset tend to learn quicker and more effectivly. People with a Fixed Mindset see challenges as threats to their talent, instead of an oppurtunity to improve it. This can lead to them learning at a slower rate, and shying away from challenges. Even someone with a fixed mindset can learn to achive a Growth Mindset and take control of the benifits. So once again I just want to say thank you for picking out MindMag and I hope you enjoy.
Jenn Shannon
"It's not that I'm so smart, I just stay with Problems longer."
-Albert Einstein
"Once your Mindset changes, everything on the outside wil change along with it."
-Steve Maraboli
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Nunc odio massa, sodales et consectetur a, iaculis eget sapien. Mauris dignissim, arcu id faucibus laoreet, justo tortor imperdiet tellus, et egestas quam velit
ac ligula. Mauris quam dolor, cursus at porta et, luctus eget purus. Nunc tempor luctus interdum. Duis libero leo, conse-quat ut accumsan eu, viverra et erat.
Jamie White
Marketing&Advertising Expert