Milliyet Australia Turkish Newspaper 26 Mayıs 2016 | Page 2




Australian Turkish News

May 2016

Üç öğüt

Sevgili dostlar , Avcının biri tuzak kurarak bir serçe avlamıştı . Eline alır almaz serçe dile geldi ve :

‘ Bugüne kadar ...’ dedi . ‘ Sığır ve koyunlar yedin . Yediklerini düşünsene . Doymadın mı da benim . birkaç gramlık etime hevesleniyorsun ? Onlar seni doyurmadıysa ben ne yapabilirim ki ?! Bırak beni .’
Avcı şaşırdı . Hem serçenin dile gelmesine hem de şimdiye kadar yediklerine . Serçe , sürdürdü konuşmasını :
‘ Şayet bırakırsan sana üç altın öğüt vereceğim . Bir lokma kuş etini mi tercih ediyorsun , ömrün boyunca yararını göreceğin üç öğüdü mü ? İyi düşün !’
Avcı düşündü ve kararım verdi :

İşte yeni hükümet

KP Genel Başkanı Binali Yıldırım , Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ile Saray ’ da görüşüp yeni kabineyi açıkladı . Listede Yalçın Akdoğan , Sema Ramazanoğlu ve Volkan Bozkır gibi isimler yer almadı . Geçtiğimiz dönemlerde Sağlık Bakanı olarak görev alan Recep Akdağ bu göreve yeniden atandı . Milli Savunma Bakanı İsmet Yılmaz ’ a , Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı görevi verildi . Yılmaz ’ dan boşalan koltuğa ise Fikri Işık getirildi . Erdoğan ’ ın damadı Berat Albayrak , Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı olarak devam ediyor . Kabinede dikkat çeken bir diğer nokta ise sadece bir kadın bakanın olması oldu . Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya , Sema Ramazanoğlu ’ nun yerine Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanı olarak göreve getirildi . İşte yeni kabine Başbakan : Binali Yıldırım Başbakan Yardımcısı : Numan Kurtulmuş Başbakan Yardımcısı : Mehmet Şimşek Başbakan Yardımcısı : Nurettin Canikli Başbakan Yardımcısı : Yıldırım Tuğrul Türkeş Başbakan Yardımcısı : Veysi Kaynak

‘ Kabul !’ dedi . ‘ Seni bırakacağım . Neymiş bakalım bana vereceğin öğüt ?’ Serçe : ‘ Bir şartım var ama !’ dedi . Avcı : ‘ Bir de şart mı koşuyorsun bana ?’ diye sordu . Serçe : ‘ Kabul edersen ...’ deyince , ‘ Peki ’ dedi Avcı . ‘ Şartın neymiş bakalım ?’
‘ Öğüdün birini ...’ dedi Serçe . ‘ Elindeyken vereceğim , İkincisini karşıki damın üzerinde , sonuncusunu ise ağaçta söyleyeceğim .’ Avcı bunu da kabul etti . Serçe : ‘ Birinci nasihatim ...’ dedi . ‘ Olmayacak şeyi söyleyenlere kim o- lursa olsun inanma !’ Avcı avucunu
Adalet Bakanı : Bekir Bozdağ Dışişleri Bakanı : Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu Ekonomi Bakanı : Nihat Zeybekci Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanı : Berat Albayrak Gençlik ve Spor Bakanı : Akif Çağatay Kılıç Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanı : Faruk Çelik Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanı : Bülent Tüfenkci İçişleri Bakanı : Efkan Ala Kalkınma Bakanı : Lütfi Elvan Kültür ve Turizm Bakanı : Nabi Avcı Maliye Bakanı : Naci Ağbal Milli Eğitim Bakanı : İsmet Yılmaz Milli Savunma Bakanı : Fikri Işık Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanı : Veysel E- roğlu Sağlık Bakanı : Recep Akdağ Ulaştırma Denizcilik ve Haberleşme Bakanı : Ahmet Arslan Aile ve Sosyal Politikalar Bakanı : Fatma Betül Sayan Kaya Bilim Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanı : Faruk Özlü Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanı : Süleyman Soylu Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanı : Mehmet Özhaseki Avrupa Birliği Bakanı : Ömer Çelik

Hakan Omak

açtı , bıraktı onu . ‘ Pırrr ’ diye uçarak karşıdaki evin damına kondu . ‘ Olmuş şeye üzülme !’ dedi . ‘ Kaçırdığın fırsatların arkasından asla kederlenme .
Yaşadığın anın kıymetini bil , pişmanlıkla zamanı geçirme .’ dedi ve ekledi , ‘ Karnımda paha biçilmez bir inci tanesi vardı benim . A- ma kaçırdın onu . Kısmetin değilmiş .’
‘ Eyvah !’ diye sızlandı Avcı . ‘ Ben ne yaptım , neden seni bıraktım ?’ Serçe : ‘ Az önce ne söyledim sana ? Kaçırdığın şey için dövünmeyecek , pişmanlıkla vaktini geçirmeyeceksin . Ayrıca ilk öğüdüm neydi unuttun . mu ? Kim söylerse söylesin , olmayacak şeye inanma .’
Avcı ’ nın aklı başına gelmişti . Serçe kendisiyle alay ediyordu besbelli .
‘ Bir de ...’ dedi . ‘ Şu üçüncü nasihatini görelim .’ Serçe ağaçtaydı artık : ‘ Boş ver onu !’. İkisini tuttun mu ki üçüncüsünü bekliyorsun ! Hadi bana eyvallah ’ dedi . Ve uçup yitti gözden . Avcı şaşkınlık içinde bakakaldı arkasından . Sevdiğim sözler 1 . Açık KaIpIi , Mert Düşman , İ- çinden PazarIıkIı Dosttan İyidir . 2 . Geçmişine Taş Atanın GeIeceğine GüIIe AtarIar
3 . İnsanIarın En İyisi İse FakirIere Karşı AIçakgönüIIü OIan Zengindir .
4 . Hiç yanılmamış olan , büyük bir tehlike karşısındadır .
Dostça kalın

Turkey ’ s new PM announces govt program

Erdogan : No EU readmission deal without visa freedom

Turkey ’ s president said Tuesday there would be no readmission agreement with the European Union unless talks on visa freedom for Turks are “ fruitful ”. Speaking at the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul , Recep Tayyip Erdogan said : “ If these [ talks ] are fruitful , it ’ s good , [ but ] if not , then what will happen is that a step will have to be taken at the Turkish parliament and the law regarding the readmission agreement will not be carried out .” A readmission process between the EU and Turkey , entered into in October 2014 , makes it possible to return undocumented migrants who enter Europe via Turkey and vice versa . Full implementation of the readmission agreement is also required in order to implement a visa-liberation process for Turkey . Talks over visa freedom for nearly 80 million Turks soured when the EU requested that Turkey complete the five remaining benchmarks , out of an initial 72 , including one on terrorism . Turkey , which is currently fighting terrorist groups such as Daesh and the PKK , has refused to alter its terrorism laws . “[ The EU ] should not keep trying to impose criteria on us . This is Turkey ,” Erdogan said , adding that certain Latin American countries , whose citizens are exempt from visa requirements to travel to the Schengen borderless zone , did not have to fulfill the same criteria as Turkey . Erdogan asked why Turkey , which is an EU candidate country and part of the bloc ’ s customs union , would have to fulfill 72 requirements . Visa freedom is also part of an EU- Turkey deal which provides a 6 billion euro ($ 6.8 billion ) aid package to meet the needs of millions of refugees in Turkey and speeding up the country ’ s accession talks . But Erdogan reiterated that Turkey , which has already spent billions of dollars on Syrian refugees since the beginning of the crisis , does not need the EU ’ s money . “ At the end of the day [ the aid ] doesn ’ t come to Turkey , it is provided to refugees in camps mostly to improve their living conditions --Turkey is not asking for favors ,” Erdogan said . “ What we want is honesty , Turkey is supposed to fulfill criteria , what criteria are these , what [ do ] you mean by criteria ?” he said . The deal was agreed on late last year , when more than a million refugees reached the EU and more than 800 drowned in the Aegean Sea as human traffickers crammed them on unseaworthy

Turkey refugee deal could collapse unless the bloc allows Turks visa freedom , says Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
A new constitution and shifting to a presidential system will be top priorities , says PM Binali Yildirim

A new constitution and adopting a presidential system will be among the new government ’ s top priorities , according to new Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim . “ In all the elections up to now , political parties have always promised a new constitution . However , these promises have unfortunately been shelved , and this parliament elected by the nation ’ s will has failed to write a new constitution ,” Yildirim said as he presented the program of the 65th Cabinet to parliament ruling Justice and Development in parliament to pass constitutional changes by vote or else Tuesday .

( AK ) Party has long called for a
“ Today is the day . All changes that would lead to the estab- pluralistic ” new constitution . endum .
“ democratic , participatory and submit them to a national referlishment of a presidential system including a new constitution tem in Turkey has also made three opposition parties rep-
The issue of a presidential sys-
Moreover , none of Turkey ’ s
will be among our top priorities ,” headlines for the past two years . resented in parliament has expressed support for shifting to a
Yildirim said , calling on the other Turkey is currently governed under a parliamentary system but presidential system . political parties to contribute to this process . in August 2014 , Turkish citizens , - Fight against terror to continue Turkey ’ s current constitution for the first time , directly elected The prime minister went on to came into effect two years after a 1980 military coup , and the The AK Party has too few seats terrorism will continue to be
the country ’ s president . say that Turkey ’ s fight against another priority . “ Our struggle against all terrorist organizations , in particular the separatist terrorist group [ PKK ] and parallel state will continue in a determined manner ,” Yildirim said . “ There will be no tolerance for any illegitimate organization that would harm the unity of our nation , or the future of our country ,” he added , vowing to “ take terrorism off Turkey ’ s agenda ”. Headed by Fetullah Gulen , a U . S . -based Islamic preacher who runs a network of schools and commercial enterprises in Turkey and around the world , the “ parallel state ” represents a clandestine group of Turkish bureaucrats and senior officials , allegedly embedded in the country ’ s institutions , including the judiciary and the police . Known also by the initials FE- TO / PDY , the organization is also said to be behind a December 2013 corruption investigation into senior government figures , including ministers . Since early 2014 , investigations into the parallel state have seen hundreds of civil servants , including police and public prosecutors , arrested or reassigned . As for foreign policy , Yildirim said it is essential to contribute to peace and stability in the region , and the world at large . “ Our goal in foreign policy is to continue pursuing policies which would ensure lasting peace and fellowship in the immediate region ,” he said . The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization also by the U . S ., and the EU -- resumed its 30-year armed campaign against the Turkish state in July 2015 . Since then , more than 480 members of the security forces , including soldiers , police officers , and village guards , have been martyred , and over 4,900 PKK terrorists killed in operations across Turkey and northern Iraq .

PM Binali Yildirim takes reins from


Following his election as AK Party leader Sunday , Yildirim officially takes over his duties as prime minister

Following his election Sunday as the new leader of Turkey ’ s ruling Justice and Development ( AK ) Party , Binali Yildirim on Tuesday officially took the reins of the premiership . Following a party group meeting at parliament in the capital Ankara , Yildirim went to the Cankaya Palace to take over the post from former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu . The handover ceremony took an hour-and-a-half and was closed to the press . The new government is set to announce its program at 15.00 local time ( 1200 GMT ). Yildirim , a co-founder of the party in August 2001 , has served as transport minister in five Turkish governments under three prime ministers : Abdullah Gul , Recep Tayyip Erdogan ( now president ), and Davutoglu . Earlier , Yildirim announced Turkey ’ s 65th government , which is now awaiting a confidence vote in parliament later this week . The 65th government is set to hold its first meeting Wednesday under the chairmanship of President Erdogan at the presidential complex in Ankara .

6 soldiers martyred by roadside bomb in Turkey

At least 26 PKK terrorists surrender to security forces in Nusaybin in the SE province of Mardin

Six Turkish soldiers were martyred Tuesday in a roadside bomb attack in Turkey ’ s southeastern Van province , the Turkish general staff said . According the statement , two other soldiers were wounded in the same attack by PKK terrorists at 5 p . m . local time [ 14:00GMT ] in Van ’ s Caldiran district . Local sources talked to Anadolu Agency , saying that the commander of the district gendarmerie , Major Kivanc Cesur , was martyred in the incident . In another region , Turkish forces killed three terrorists in Sirnak ’ s Silopi district after they failed to stop at a security checkpoint and opened fire along the Silopi-Cizre road , a source said . According to the unnamed source , who spoke on condition of anonymity due to restrictions on speaking to the media , after the shootout , security forces seized guns and ammunition from the car . Moreover , 26 PKK terrorists surrendered to security forces in Turkey ’ s southeastern province of Mardin ’ s Nusaybin district Tuesday . The source also said that more terrorists would surrender to security forces thanks to the ongoing Hawk-7 Operation , meant to fill in PKK-made trenches , lift barricades , destroy homemade explosives , and re-establish public order in the region . The counter-terrorism operation in Nusaybin has been ongoing since March 14 . Turkey ’ s southeast has been the scene of significant military operations since December 2015 as the police and army seek to clear the PKK terrorist organization from urban areas . The PKK -- listed as a terrorist organization also by the U . S ., and the EU -- resumed its 30-year armed campaign against the Turkish state in July 2015 . Since then , more than 480 members of the security forces , including troops , police officers , and village guards , have been martyred , and over 4,900 PKK terrorists killed in operations across Turkey and northern Iraq .

NATO : Mansoor led Taliban attacks , blocked peace talks

NATO head says Mansoor hindered Afghan peace , reconciliation , but stops short of approving US airstrike on Taliban leader In a statement posted on NATO ’ s website on Monday , Stoltenberg said , “ Under Mullah Mansur ’ s leadership , the Taliban have continued to conduct brutal attacks across Afghanistan , leading to the death and suffering of countless Afghan civilians and security forces , and posing a major daily threat to the forces of the US and other NATO Allies and partners . “ Mullah Mansur stood in the way of talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban , blocking the prospects for progress towards peace and reconciliation for Afghanistan .” The statement added that NATO “ remain [ s ] fully committed to our mission to train , advice and assist Afghan security forces , so that Afghanistan never again becomes a safe haven for terrorism .” Stoltenberg concluded , “ We support an Afghan-led and owned process for peace and reconciliation , and welcome all efforts in this regard . This is the time for Afghans to talk to Afghans , so that Afghanistan can develop in peace and security .” Mansoor was killed by a U . S . airstrike along the Afghanistan- Pakistan border region , the Pentagon said Saturday . According to the U . S . Defense Department , Mansoor was “ an obstacle to peace and reconciliation between Afghanistan and the Taliban by prohibiting Taliban leaders from participating in peace talks with the Afghan government that could lead to an end to the conflict ”. Since Mansoor assuming the Taliban leadership after the 2013 death of his predecessor Mullah Omar , the “ Taliban have conducted numerous attacks that have resulted in the death of tens of thousands of Afghan civilians and Afghan security forces as well as numerous U . S . and coalition personnel ,” according to the Pentagon .