Milliyet Australia Turkish Newspaper 26 Mayıs 2016

NATO : Mansoor led Taliban attacks , blocked peace talks

6 soldiers martyred by roadside bomb in Turkey


Erdogan : No EU readmission deal without visa freedom


Sirius , mezunlarına unutulmayacak bir gece yaşattı


İşte Yeni Hükümet


Turkey ’ s new PM announces govt program

Haber alma Hürriyet ’ iniz




Vol4 / 10 26 May 2016 www . hurriyet . com . au Fiyatı $ 1.00


Türkiye ’ den emeklilik işlemleriniz Avustralya genelinde yapılır
Emeklilik sistemleri SSK , Bağkur ve Emekli Sandığı Uzmanı

Lütfen randevu alınız 40 yaş üstü kişilere taksitle emeklilik imkanı MUSTAFA : 0415 773 861

Muhalefete Polis Baskını

US still considers YPG an ‘ effective ’ partner

The U . S . said Monday that it still considers the YPG an effective partner to fight Daesh but it does not support the group ’ s aspirations to create semi-autonomous zones in northern Syria .

Azerbaijan ‘ spent $ 6bn on displaced people ’

Azerbaijan ’ s president said Monday his country had spent more than $ 6 billion on people made refugees as a result of humanitarian disasters caused by Armenia . Speaking at the first World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul , Ilham Aliyev said : “ As the result of Armenia ’ s attacks , 20 percent of Azerbaijan ’ s territory is occupied and about a million people have been forced to flee the places they were born .” Aliyev accused Armenia of committing ethnic cleansing and genocide in Azerbaijan , adding that more than 10 states recognized as ‘ genocide ’ 1992 ’ s Khojaly massacre , in which 613 people were killed .>> 05

“ We ... recognize the fact that these are effective fighting forces and that they a- re willing to take on and dislodge Daesh ,” State Department spokesman Mark Toner said during a press briefing . Asked whether the U . S . would continue to support the YPG even at the risk of alienating it ’ s major ally , Turkey , Toner said “ sure ,” adding that the U . S . is in close dialogue with Turkey and understood Ankara ’ s concerns regarding the YPG ’ s presence in northern Syria . “ We also made it clear to these Kurdish forces as well that they should not seek to create autonomous , semi-autonomous zones , that they should not seek to retain of the territory that they liberate ,” he said . Despite Turkey ’ s objections , the U . S . has supported the YPG , the military wing of the Democratic Union Party ( PYD ), that is an offshoot of the PKK terrorist organization that is fighting a decadeslong war with Turkey .
Azerbaijani president says 1 million ‘ have been forced to flee the places they were born ’ by Armenian actions
Federal polis , ulusal geniş bant internet ağı ( NBN ) gizli bilgilerinin sızdırıldığı gerekçesiyle ana muhalefetteki İşçi Partisi ’ nin Melbourne ’ deki ofisine ve bazı parti çalışanlarının evlerine operasyon düzenledi .

Avustralya İşçi Partisi ’ nin önde gelen isimlerinden Senatör Stephen Conroy ’ un ofisine ve ona bağlı çalışan personelin evlerine baskın düzenleyen polis , bazı dokümanlara incelenmesi için el konulduğunu açıkladı . Ülkede 2 Temmuz ’ da yapılacak erken genel seçim öncesinde yapılan operasyonun zamanlaması tartışmalara neden oldu . “ Turnbull harcadıklarını örtmek için uğraşıyor ” İşçi Partisi Lideri Bill Shorten , operasyondan hükümetin haberi olduğunu ileri sürerek operasyonlarla ilgili hükümetten kapsamlı bir açıklama istedi . Avustralya Başbakanı Malcolm Turnbull hükümetinin NBN projesindeki gecikmeleri ve aşırı harcamaları örtbas etmek i- çin operasyon düzenlenmesini istediğini öne süren Shorten , “ Turnbull harcadıklarını örtmek için uğraşıyor . Halkın gerçekleri bilmeye hakkı var .” dedi . Ana muhalefet partisi liderinin eleştirilerine cevap veren Avustralya Başbakanı Turnbull ise ? Avustralya Federal Polisi ’ nin hükümetten bağımsız bir kurum olduğunu söyledi . Avustralya ’ da ulusal geniş bant internet ağı ( NBN ), federal hükümet tarafından ülke genelinde internet hızını artırmaya yönelik bir proje olarak başlatılmıştı .

PM Binali Yildirim takes reins from Davutoglu

Following his election Sunday as the new leader of Turkey ’ s ruling Justice and Development ( AK ) Party , Binali Yildirim on Tuesday officially took the reins of the premiership . Following a party group meeting at parliament in the capital Ankara , Yildirim went to the Cankaya Palace to take over the post from former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu . >> 02

Turkish central bank continues rate cuts

The Turkish Central Bank on Wednesday cut its overnight lending rate by 50 basis points on Tuesday following recent cuts in the past two months and left other key rates on hold . The overnight lending rate , which is the rate at which banks borrow from the Central Bank overnight , was cut 50 basis points to 9.5 percent . The overnight borrowing rate , however , under which banks lend or deposit money to the Central Bank , remained unchanged at 7.25 percent . The one-week repo rate , known as policy rate , was also kept at 7.5 percent , the bank said .

Gelibolu 1915 Müzikali

Çanakkale Savaşı ’ nın 100 . cü yılı dolayısıyla yapılan anma törenleri ( 2014-2018 ) kapsamında , Amity Koleji , Avustralya Türk Müziği Topluluğu ’ nun özverili performansıyla ‘ Gelibolu 1915 Gerçek Hikayeler ’ adıyla oyunlu müzik dinletisi düzenliyor . >> 05
The Baird Government ’ s decision to stall a fare hike for Opal users , leaves Auburn commuters in the dark on future fare hikes .

While the temporary respite from unfair increases for some public transport users is welcomed , the fact that the Government has postponed fare changes from the eve of the Federal election until September is purely a tactical move driven by Liberal-National strategists . >> 04

NATO : Mansoor led Taliban attacks , blocked peace talks
NATO head says Mansoor hindered Afghan peace , reconciliation , but stops short of approving US airstrike on Taliban leader

Following the controversial reported killing of the Taliban ’ s leader over the weekend , NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg painted Mullah Akhtar Mansoor as an obstacle to peace in Afghanistan , but stopped short of voicing approval for the U . S . airstrike said to have killed Mansur .