MilliOnAir Magazine Spring Edition | Page 182

MilliOnAir | Fashion ENTREPRENEUR



Discreet, stylish and artistic the design concept of CQP is understated quality and unique.

Based in Stockholm it was founded in 2013 by Adam Lewenhaupt , a former banker who felt a strong urge to do something completely different in life.

Adam grew up in an artistic family, surrounded by two sisters dedicating

their lives to art, drawing, theater and music.

CQP, which stands for Conversations & Quintessential Products, is partly a specialized and highly product-focused company and partly a way to express certain ideals. These

ideals come to life through our products and are also expressed by our interview series

“Conversations” highlighting people we admire. People who do the right things, for the

right – and many times – idealistic reasons, without compromise.

Edited by Marcella Martinelli