MILLION DOLLAR CAREERS! -Voice Over Acting Success Guide Volume 1 Issue 11 | Page 17


This is your amazing secret weapon to your success.

We call them 'FUNCENTIVES".

iMAGINE how more sales you could generate on your voice over projects if you

could include a $500 or a $2000 FREE Vacation Getaway?

Do you think it would be easier to sell a "How To Start A Carpet Cleaning

Business With No Money And Make Millions" home study course for $247

if you included a $2000 Vacation with it?

If you said yes, you would be right! How the heck can we do this?

Well, with the recent recession there are a lot of empy cruise cabins, hotel

rooms, and empty tables. Instead of these billion dollar companies losing

money with empty rooms, they offer these empty rooms to companies like

ours to use as advertising for them.

Keep in mind also that a Cruise Ship or a Nice Hotel dosen't just make money

on a room. They have dozens of other services they make most of their money

on. Like gift shops, restaurants, drinks, entertainment, upgrades, etc.

Get it?

Click Here For Vacation!