Section 10 .. Lifestyle matters
Whatever your health and fitness goals are whether you are
looking to burn off unwanted body fat, Increase muscular
strength and energy levels, competing for sporting events or
just generally improve your quality of life some key factors to
take into account….
1) Sleep! Magic happens while you are sleeping this is the
time for the body to repair the muscle fibres and
improve cognitive skills, you do not become fitter during
your workouts! Your fitness levels increase while you
are at rest, failing to get adequate amounts of sleep in
your life will impair your health and fitness results and
can also lead to weakened immune system, depression,
stress and heart problems.
Aim for around 6-8 hours sleep a day, if you are still
yawning throughout the day this is a sign you are not
sleeping long enough.
If your struggle to sleep, ensure caffeine levels are kept
to a minimal and consumed no later than 4pm, also try
minimalizing computer time or time spent looking at a
screen ( Cell phones, TV) as these suppresses the
production of melatonin the major hormone that
controls sleep patterns!