MIlitary & Veterans Service Guide | Page 15

• You have found an open job either at a nearby VA facility or in a VA-related role at your school ; and
• You can finish the work-study contract while you still qualify for education benefits ; and
• You ’ re using an approved VA education benefits program to pay for your education or training .
Payment and Benefits Status Rate of Pursuit and Training Time
Rate of pursuit ( RoP ) applies specifically to Chapter 33 . It differs from training time , which is used for all other chapters . Schools certify actual credit . The VA calculates RoP by dividing the number of credit ( or credit hour equivalents ) being pursued by the number of credits considered to be full time by the school . The resulting percentage is the student ’ s RoP .
Examples : If full time is 12 credits , then RoP :
• 6 credits ( or credit equivalents ) is 50 % ( 6 ¸ 12 = 50 %)
• 7 credits ( or credit equivalents ) is 58 % ( 7 ¸ 12 = 58 %)
The Monthly Housing Allowance ( MHA ) is paid if the student ’ s RoP is more than 50 %. Rate of pursuit determines whether a student receives or doesn ’ t receive the housing allowance . If pursuit is more than 50 % the student receives the housing allowance . If the RoP is 50 % or less , then the student doesn ’ t receive the housing allowance . ( Active-duty personnel receiving Chapter 33 benefits or spouses of active duty personnel receiving Transfer of Entitlement ( ToE ) benefits are not eligible for the housing allowance .
Effective October 1 , 2011 . Individuals only enrolled in distance learning courses were eligible for an MHA equal to 50 % of the national average of all Basic Housing Allowance ( BAH ) rates . Rates are multiplied by the rate of pursuit ( RoP ) rounded to the nearest multiple of 10 .
Training Time- Chapters 30 , 35 , and 1606 ( 38 CFR 21.4270 https :// www . ecfr . gov / current / title-38 / chapter- I / part-21 / subpart-D / subject-group-ECFRef288bc12ceb34e / section-21.4270 VA benefits are paid based on training time certified by the school . In standard quarter or semester , VA measures training as follows :
• 12 credits or more is full time
• 9-11 credits is ¾ time
• 6-8 credits is ½ time
• 4-5 credits is less than ½ time (< ½-time )
• 1-3 credits is ¼ time or less (< ¼-time )
VA Rate Table https :// www . benefits . va . gov / gibill / resources / benefits _ resources / rate _ tables . asp
Enrollment Certification Request ( using your VA Educational Benefits )
It is the veteran or dependents responsibility to notify the Eastern Florida State College ( EFSC ) Military & Veterans Service Center of ANY official major changes , course substitutions , drop / add courses , and nonattendance of a course . Failure to do so MAY result in an OVER / UNDER PAYMENT of your VA Educational Benefits .
Certification for VA Educational Benefits each semester is not automatic . Students who wish to receive the benefit must complete the paperwork with the Military & Veterans Services office and must submit the enrollment certification request every semester after signing up for classes in order to continue receiving
EFSC MVS Guide Updated 4.18.24 15