Military Review English Edition September-October 2014 | Page 57

AFGHANISTAN ENDGAME advisory and support efforts based out of Thailand.22 The history of Cambodia provides a case study in the adverse effect a similar zero option might have in Afghanistan. Comparative analysis lends credence to the argument for a vigorous post-2014 train, advise, and assist mission, with continued funding for the ANSF through a bilateral security agreement with the United States, and the sustained financial support of the U.S. Congress for several years.23 Cassidy reports that as of Spring Soldiers from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 173rd Special Troops Battalion, 2014, qualitatively and quantitagive a block of instruction on rocket-propelled grenade launchers during range training tively, the Afghan security forces in Beshud, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, 13 February 2008. The training is for the U.S. have improved; they have taken forces to evaluate the Afghanistan national policeman on their marksmanship skills. a genuine lead for combat operations.24 However, the work remains Dunford warned of inevitable deterioration in unfinished, and it is unlikely that Afghanistan can Afghanistan without continued support, saying that complete its development without help. According to ANSF units would run out of fuel, base systems would International Security Assistance Force commander become less operable, spare parts for vehicles would beGen. Joseph Dunford Jr., “they still need assistance in come unavailable, and readiness and operational reach maturing the systems, the processes and the institutions would decrease.27 Moreover, the International Security necessary to support a modern national army and police Assistance Force would not be able to complete its force.”25 The U.S. commitment to funding and advisors work with the land or air forces; work with the air force should aim at strengthening the Afghan ministries and needs two years or more. corps that can sustain the military and police in the long When asked by the Senate Armed Services term. Committee on 6 March 2014 about the likely effects As did the FANK in the 1970s, the ANSF still of a zero option in Afghanistan, head of U.S. Central needs support for developing officer leadership, opCommand Gen. Lloyd Austin said, erational-strategic logistics, and aviation capabili“I think it [a zero option] would be problematic. ties. Developing the logistics capability of the ANSF It would be bad for the country of Afghanistan, as a remains of critical importance. Lt. Gen. Joseph whole. I think that, without our fiscal support, and Anderson, commander of the International Security certainly without our mentorship, we would see, immeAssistance Force Joint Command, stated in a 20 March diately, a much less effective Afghan National Security 2014 phone interview with the Army Times, “The real Force. Over the long term, we could possibly see a issue [in Afghanistan] is getting a supply system in fracturing of that force.”28 place where they generate requirements based on what happens to their vehicles, their weapons, their radios. Conclusion That system doesn’t exist. Right now things are bought To say the failure in Cambodia was due only to a on a bulk predictive model.”26 withdrawal of financial support would be an oversimSimilarly, during a 12 March 2014 hearing beplification. Success in Cambodia would have required fore the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, much more than just money—for much longer than MILITARY REVIEW  September-October 2014 55 Spc. Justin French , U.S. Department of Defense Afghanistan After 2014