Military Review English Edition November-December 2013 | Page 82

via undersea vehicles. To facilitate rapid objective area movement, assaulting land warfare forces must utilize a new generation of smart, light, armed, and all-terrain vehicles. Those ground-forces mobility attributes are consistent with current Department of Defense (DOD) strategic guidance for a lean, agile, flexible, and ready force.2 But at the BCT level and below—where fighting happens—existing land warfare forces tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) must be adapted and new ones created to overcome A2/AD’s effects on force security, movement, intelligence, signal, fires, and logistics. These counter-A2/AD TTPs will be different from the permissive condition ones found in counterinsurgency environments. Lighter units will need to know they are supported in tough A2/AD conditions and that those supporting them understand the mechanics and possess the required expertise. Likewise, BCT systems and equipment must be purpose-built with the rigors of the A2/AD fight in mind. For example, land warfare forces will require integrated, survivable, self-healing tactical and strategic communications; rapidly responsive high-speed joint force fires; and secure, fused national-to-tactical multisource intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. Overall, in winning an A2/AD fight, each service has much to offer, but no single service can establish the conditions to win that fight. Now, in the years before the A2/AD confrontation America will need to win, service chiefs and combatant commanders must understand A2/AD, the role of land warfare forces in mitigating A2/AD, and joint force vulnerabilities and dependencies. This ensures the best survivable capabilities are developed and once delivered, put into place as the enabling matrix on which to fix counter-A2/AD TTPs and concepts of operations Countering A2/AD—Why Land Warfare Forces Matter? Land warfare forces are vital in prevailing against A2/AD because at the end of the day, not every adversary A2/AD capability of consequence can be mitigated through air force or naval means. Even in A2/AD warfare, with all of its anticipated and appropriate emphasis on technological strength, much warfighting will remain to be done as it has always needed doing: boots on ground at eyeball level. 80 Land Warfare Competencies for A2/AD Environment • Combined Arms • Force Protection • ISR • Air & Missile Defense • Cyberspace Operations • Space Operations Support • Logistics • PSYOP/Information Operations Mission Areas Reconnaissance Raids Seizure Figure 1: Countering A2/AD Figure 2 provide s some granularity regarding mission areas specifically designed to overcome critical A2/AD adversary capabilities the joint force will encounter in the fight’s initial conditions and throughout subsequent entry operations. Behind this vision is the imperative of gaining strategic freedom of action by specific tactical counter-A2/AD actions across a widespread denied battle space in every domain. Against that backdrop, land warfare forces are not an invasion or long-term occupation force, or utilized as the vanguard of a nation-building effort; even “kicking in the door” comes later. Early land warfare force employment against A2/AD is about tailored BCTs and slices of BCTs that enter the neighborhood to shape its places for the joint force subsequently to kick in the doors to the key houses, which themselves constitute key opponent targets. How can land warfare forces best prepare for counter-A2/AD missions? The best way is to develop and integrate BCT TTPs within joint force concept of operations—leveraging land warfare November-December 2013 • MILITARY REVIEW