Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 97

SOCIAL FACTORS commander visualizes an appropriate end state, but also how he plans to achieve it. The effect of social factors on the commander’s visualization is especially apparent during stability operations. Revisiting the previous example of a unit deployed to the Sinai, the commander would use mission com(Photo courtesy of the office of the Egyptian president) mand and social Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi shakes hands with a member of the Egyptian Armed Forces during a factors to execute 4 July 2015 visit to North Sinai, Egypt. a peacekeeping mission. The problem set requires that the commander along with other inputs to build a strategy for the use the subtler tools of power projection such as secusecurity meeting. Before deciding when the meeting rity cooperation, promoting economic infrastructure would take place, planners consider the religiosity of development, and cooperating with local governance, in Egyptian society. Meetings will have to be scheduled addition to achieving the assigned mission to observe, around prayer times. An understanding of moral verify, and report. Understanding the social factors aspects of Egyptian society cues the staff into the of Egypt, the commander and staff can successfully importance of honor and hospitality. The ranks for navigate high-level meetings with Egyptian officials. both parties of the meeting must be equivalent in some Take, for example, a collaborative security meeting sense. Commanders would meet with commanders, between the Multinational Force and Observers and and deputies with deputies. Additionally, the host of Egyptian leaders. the meeting would provide for the needs of their guests. In Egyptian circles, the most basic provisions are tea A Mission Command Vignette and tobacco. The economic dimension to the meeting In advance of this meeting, the commander has is not just about business. Egyptians feel the need to dialogue with the staff, specifically the force proteccreate personal relationships with those they intend tion officer and the liaison officer. In this dialogue, he to do business with. Hence, before the business finally establishes his objectives for the meeting, clearly states concludes, the participants will leave with a personal his intent, and details his expectations for the end state. connection and broadened network. Using these inputs In this case, the commander describes a concept to the with mission command, the commander and staff are force protection officer and the liaison officer that will prepared to conduct the meeting. establish security protocols that benefit the force and In this case, the commander works to achieve prepare it for potential crisis response scenarios. his security objectives in a fashion akin to the baHaving the commander’s intent and end state, the sics of maneuver warfare: focus on objectives, byforce protection officer and the liaison officer build the pass resistance, and reinforce successes. This means agenda for the meeting. While the agenda includes a building consensus by leveraging past agreements as variety of security concerns, both long-standing and precedents of successful transactions. Additionally, newly formed, the staff uses the MRsSPEA framework the commander is careful to avoid potential MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 95