Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 69

COUNTERPROPAGANDA Additionally, audience interest in a topic will decrease questioning the credibility of the speaker or some over time. other aspect of the allegation. During the Civil War, One of the most compelling reasons for utilizing for example, the South countered Northern antislavcounterpropaganda meaery propaganda with sures is that they provide themes depicting the a responding organization deplorable working the opportunity to regain conditions in Northern information dominance or factories.22 These change the topic to somethemes argued that thing more favorable for slaves were provided its purposes. Conversely, decent working conhowever, their use could ditions and cradlegive legitimacy or credito-grave shelter and bility to the source or the subsistence, while wage allegations in the propalaborers in northern ganda. Counterpropaganda factories were treated measures may also allow far worse. the adversary to control Diversion. the discussion. Finally , Diversion seeks to failure to respond fosters avoid addressing a topic the perception of hiding through the introducsomething, or it may be tion of a new topic. perceived as a tacit admisAn example of this (Image courtesy of Radio Free Europe) sion of guilt. occurred in late 1943 During the Cold War (1947–1991), the United States used a wide It is important to keep when the German variety of informational tools and techniques to counter Soviet communist propaganda. However, the strongest instrument for in mind that trained, propaganda ministry countering propaganda proved to be simply telling the truth. To experienced personnel introduced rumors of that end, the United States established several radio broadcast are needed to execute a German plan to esagencies, such as Radio Free Europe, that beamed truthful prosuccessful counterpropagramming into areas of the Soviet Union. tablish a redoubt in the ganda measures, and that Alps as part of a campatience is required since the results of counterpropa- paign to divert attention away from increasing German ganda efforts may not be known for some time. battlefield defeats.23 The plan, titled “Alpine Fortress,” consisted of Germany’s government and military forces Counterpropaganda Techniques retreating to prepared positions in the German Alps. After weighing the pros and cons, the IO staff Rumors of an Alpine Fortress became a major concern should determine the proper counterpropaganda for Allied military planners in early 1945. response. FM 3-05.301 provides nine options with Silence. Silence refers to not responding to the examples in responding to adversarial propaganda: di- propaganda claims, other than to offer “unworthy of rect refutation, indirect refutation, diversion, silence, comment.”24 An interesting note is that World War II restrictive measures, imitative deception, conditionGerman Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels would ing, forestalling, and minimization. (These are only sometimes refuse to deny or refute Allied claims consome of the variety of techniques used by military cerning damage from air strikes in order to deceive practitioners, political campaigners, and advertisers. the Allies into believing they were achieving great However, these nine are the most prominent.) successes in the air war.25 Direct and indirect refutation. Direct refutation Restrictive measures. Restrictive measures deny is a point-for-point rebuttal of adversarial claims.21 access to the propaganda. Russia utilized jamming and Indirect refutation seeks to change the topic by other measures during the Cold War to prevent the MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 67