Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 48

with a promised commitment to deliver on time a well-developed policy to members of an institution that desperately needed it to proceed with establishing order in their country. Such failures only helped undermine IGC confidence in the CPA’s competence and trust in the United States. Failure to have the ability to hold this individual accountable to finish the project also compelled us to contract out for development of a more fully thought out and developed policy, which was an unanticipated expense and administrative issue that produced greater needless delay. Fortunately, we were able to obtain the services from a world-class terrorism expert whom we contracted through the RAND Corporation, and the end result was a fuller and well-written policy though it was done well after when it had been promised for delivery. Unfortunately, this kind of incident was not uncommon in the CPA, and was due mainly to lack of authority vested in the CPA to hold people accountable resulting in lack o f follow-through, which was in stark con(Image courtesy of Library of Congress, Plate No. 66) trast to the U.S. administration of the Unlike the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq, the occupation of Japan was Japanese occupation. In SCAP, a dioverseen by a highly organized U.S. occupational force military government subject to rective to a subordinate was, in almost military discipline and internal oversight. Moreover, unlike the CPA, the U.S. occupaall cases, a legal order from a superior tional authorities made the decision to administer the reconstruction effort through officer. Consequently, there were few the already established existing Japanese civil service and local government structures that had survived the war after vetting such bodies to eliminate residual militarist problems with follow-through. sympathizers. Preparation. Additionally, in a showed up and said he would not be able to get it done, closely related issue, unlike the Japanese occupation and then he left. experience, CPA staffers, for the most part, were We had no authority over the individual to renot particularly prepared by background, education, quire him to stay and deliver what was committed. experience, or personality to work in the occupation As a result, we were then compelled to hastily write environment of Iraq. This highlights another key a draft policy, which we delivered on the promised difference between the two occupations by comparing date. Nonetheless, the lack of accountability and folthe strategic foresight involved in what would be relow-through was not only an inconvenience, but was quired for a successful occupation. The United States also an embarrassment at the time. It was a disservice in began planning for the occupation of Japan as early as terms of wasted time, but also was a failure to comply 1942.8 For example, both the Department of the Navy 46 May-June 2016  MILITARY REVIEW