Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 31

NEW SECURITY ARCHITECTURE Georgia and Ukraine would become part of NATO. The Russians, in response, made it perfectly clear at the time that this was unacceptable. And they made it clear they would go to great lengths to prevent that from happening. Nevertheless, NATO did not back off. Furthermore, in May of that same year, the European Union (EU) announced that there was going to be an Eastern Partnership, which in effect meant that the EU too the West, with the Americans in the driver’s seat, continued to push a policy that called for peeling Ukraine away from Russia’s orbit and making it part of the West. EU expansion was one of the key strategies underpinning that policy. NATO expansion and democracy promotion were the other two underlying strategies. Democracy promotion in principal is an attractive idea to virtually all of us in the West. But, the fact is that democracy promotion in the hands of the United States is mainly about toppling leaders who are seen as anti-American or anti-West, and putting in their place leaders who are pro-American or pro-West. Of course the Orange Revolution was all about doing just that. Toppling [Viktor] Yanukovych was all about putting a leader in power in Kiev who would be pro-West. So, this tri(Photo by Cornelia Smet, EC - Audiovisual Service, European Union, 2011) ple-prong stratEuropean Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso and European Union (EU) Council President Herman Van egy—NATO Rompuy meet with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych 19 December 2011 in Kiev, Ukraine. The EU and expansion, EU Ukraine agreed to the terms of a free trade and political association treaty, creating tension between the West and Russia. expansion, and would be moving eastward toward Ukraine. Not surpris- democracy promotion—bothered the Russians greatly. ingly, in August 2008, you had a war between Georgia And, it all came to a head with the coup in Kiev on 22 and Russia, which was in good part a result of the April February 2014. We then had a major crisis that we still 2008 decision to eventually include Ukraine and Georgia face and which shows no signs of going away. What is in NATO. The Georgians thought that NATO would the solution to this problem? I think the only possiback them if they got into a crisis or a conflict with the ble solution is to go back to the situation that existed Russians. They of course were wrong; nevertheless, that before 2008. Otherwise, there is no hope of settling this was the first big piece of evidence that trouble was in matter. What in particular has to be done? Ukraine has store in Eastern Europe. to be turned into a neutral buffer state. The West has to Barack Obama, as you know, was elected in recognize that there is no way it can continue to pursue November 2008. He came into office with the goal in a set of policies that are designed to make Ukraine a mind of resetting relations between Russia and the Western bulwark on Russia’s border. The Russians will United States. He failed. And, the reason he failed is that not tolerate this and will instead go to great lengths to MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 29