Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 30

T he subject I have been asked to talk about is the principal reason why no European leader since how to create a new security architecture in the end of the Cold War has asked the Americans to Europe that brings the Russians out of the cold leave. And, it’s the principal reason the Russians were and promotes peace in the region. perfectly happy to allow the United States to remain I think that the best we can hope for at this point in Western Europe after they retreated when the in time is to return to the status quo ante, and by that Cold War ended. I mean the situation that existed here in Europe before So, the American pacifier was an important part of 2008. I think there’s no hope of creating a radically the story. The second part of the story is that the West— new security architecture. And, I even think it’s going to be extremely difficult to go back to the pre-2008 situation in Europe. I think the best way to understand the options that we face is to start with a discussion of the history of the past twenty-five years, which can be divided roughly into two periods. The first period is from 1990 to 2008, and the second period is from 2008 up to the present. I think the period from 1990 to 2008 (Photo by Maxim Shemetov, Reuters) was really the golden Russian servicemen march during celebrations to mark Victory Day in the Crimean port of Sevastopol 9 May period. Europe was 2014. Russian troops invaded Crimea in February 2014, and the territory of Crimea was officially annexed by remarkably peaceRussia 18 March 2014. ful—save for what happened in the Balkans, of course. But there was and here we are talking mainly about NATO—did not virtually no serious possibility of a conflict between threaten the Russians in any meaningful way. There is Russia and the West during those years. All seemed to no question that the Russians were opposed to NATO be going very well here in Europe on the security front, expansion. The Russians opposed both the first tranche which raises the obvious question: Why was that the of expansion in 1999, as well as the second tranche in case? There are two reasons. 2004, but the Russians did not view those initial moves One, NATO remained intact, which meant eastward as a mortal threat. So, between 1990 and 2008, the Americans remained militarily committed to all was well in Europe. Again, that was because of the Europe, allowing them to serve as the pacifier in the American pacifier and because the West was not a seriregion. The United States was, in effect, the ultious threat to Russia. mate arbiter and a higher authority that maintained But, that situation began to change in 2008, which order. Its military presence in Europe made it almost was a fateful year. First of all, there was the NATO impossible for any of the states that fell underneath summit in Bucharest in April 2008. At the end of that its security umbrella to fight with each other. This is summit, NATO said in no uncertain terms that both 28 May-June 2016  MILITARY REVIEW