Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 123

ASSIGNING FORCES COCOM functions. Although joint force commanders may perform some functions considered administrative (such as preparing evaluations and approving leave requests), those functions are regulated through service regulations and managed by service components. Additionally, the operational and administrative authorities merge at the service component command level. The service component command synchronizes the functions of ADCON and COCOM, limiting the chance of competing interests occurring at the unit level. Moreover, the only person who holds ADCON in its entirety is the service secretary, who exercises it through the service chief. ADCON functions are performed by multiple service organizations in support of each service member and unit within and outside this defined “administrative chain of command.” How Assignment to Combatant Commands Could Benefit the Joint Force Assignment establishes formal relationships and gives authorities to combatant commanders commensurate with their UCP responsibilities. According to joint doctrine, the UCP establishes (Photo by Master Sgt. Chad McMeen, U.S. Marine Corps) CCMD missions and responsibilities, delineates U.S., Norwegian, Dutch, and British troops train 2 March 2016 during Exercise Cold Response 16 near Namsos, Norway. Norway’s cold the general geographical area of responsibility for environment challenges the air, land, and sea capabilities of the thirteen geographic CCMDs, and provides the framework participating NATO allies and partners while improving their collective used to assign forces.10 More specific guidance and capacity to resp ond and operate as a team. prioritization is provided by the secretary of deAdministrative control: generating the fense in the Guidance for the Employment of the Force.11 force. ADCON is the joint term for the collective Regional knowledge. The Army’s regionally aligned responsibilities of the service secretaries to manage forces and the Marine Corps’ regional orientation the affairs of military units—such as support, traincapstone concept (with both constructs usually keeping, and readiness, based on title 10, U.S. Code.9 Each ing units service-retained) acknowledge the need for service manages administrative functions within that familiarity with a given region’s cultures, terrain, and service. Each service determines who performs all of its languages, among other considerations.12 If the services administrative functions, and each service maintains took regional alignment and regional orientation one flexibility in managing its title 10 mission regardless of step further and established a command relationship how forces are assigned. between the CCMDs and the units, subordinate comOpposition to assigning forces to CCMDs is somemanders could receive direction from and provide input times based on the erroneous idea that ADCON will to the combatant commander and staff. Assignment of accompany COCOM authority or that ADCON and such forces to CCMDs could facilitate both steady-state COCOM authority will be two competing chains of and contingency operations by improving forces’ knowlcommand. By definition, ADCON only flows through edge, experience, and relationships within certain reservice lines, and ADCON functions differ from gions and shortening the response times during crises. MILITARY REVIEW  May-June 2016 121