Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 122

The final section discusses specific factors needed to support implementation. How Global Force Management Works GFM addresses allocation, apportionment, and assignment. It is also important to understand how ADCON relates to GFM, especially to assignment. Allocation: distributing forces and resources for specified missions. Allocation is a familiar construct to many service members who have supported Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. According to the Global Force Management Implementation Guidance, allocation is the temporary transfer of control of a force (normally, operational control [OPCON]) for a specific mission.2 Since about 2003, the DOD has distributed forces to support worldwide operations by filling requests for forces through allocation as published in the Global Force Management Allocation Plan.3 Apportionment: estimated availability of forces for planning. Apportionment does not represent a command relationship. Apportionment estimates the availability of forces and capabilities for planning purposes to help combatant commanders know their resource constraints when writing or evaluating contingency plans. Apportionment tables provide details about force capabilities and timelines showing when units will be available for deployment. Apportionment tables have evolved recently to provide more details on capabilities and better estimates of when forces will be available for deployment. Assignment: distributing forces through enduring command relationships. The focus of this article is assignment of forces to CCMDs. Service secretaries are directed to assign all operating forces to specified and unified commands.4 Combatant commanders direct operations through combatant command (command authority), a term often shorted to “COCOM” or “COCOM authority.” According to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual (CJCSM) 3122.01A, COCOM authority is the “nontransferable command authority established by title 10 (Armed Forces), United States Code, section 164, exercised only by commanders of unified or specified combatant commands unless otherwise directed by the President or the Secretary of Defense.”5 COCOM authority includes all aspects of OPCON (controlling military operations). In addition, it includes certain daily support 120 associated with an assigned force, including authority to assign or reassign subordinate commanders or officers, reassign forces, conduct internal discipline and training, and direct logistics.6 Assignment decisions are made in support of Unified Command Plan (UCP) missions, which are approved by the president of the United States. Assignment of a unit represents an enduring relationship, documented in the Forces for Unified Commands.7 As of 2016, many U.S. forces are not assigned to CCMDs. Before Operation Iraqi Freedom, all operating forces were assigned to CCMDs. Most forces based in the continental United States were assigned to U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM). When USJFCOM was disestablished in 2011, forces and service components assigned to USJFCOM reverted to their respective military departments.8 They became known as “service-retained forces.” This decision allowed the DOD to continue operations as usual while providing rotational forces to U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) for operations abroad. May-June 2016  MILITARY REVIEW