Military Review English Edition May-June 2016 | Page 118

cyber units and deliver them to the CCMDs. Another approach to increase efficiency. A third approach, separate from the current DOD approach or a wholly independent cyber service, would involve promoting the current USCYBERCOM to a functional CCMD, on par with USSTRATCOM or USSOCOM. Elevating USCYBERCOM to a CCMD would be an appropriate, and likely, intermediate step to establishing the independent Cyber Force. This could remove one of the hierarchical layers between USCYBERCOM and political decision makers. Also, USSOCOM enjoys (Photo courtesy of National Security Agency) quite a bit of influence U.S. Cyber Command is located in Fort Meade, Maryland, along with the headquarters of the over the services’ developNational Security Agency and the Central Security Service. ment of special operators. However, this arrangement solves only part of the unproven as a combat zone in the thinking of many problem. As a CCMD, USCYBERCOM would still senior security leaders. Second, in the absence of be reliant on the existing services to conduct its an obvious significant security threat, the national operations. Cyberwarriors would still face the decisecurity resources required for such a major overhaul sion of which of the services’ cyberspace pipelines to will remain unavailable. The United States’ next major navigate on their way to working in USCYBERCOM. conflict will likely eliminate both hurdles. This arrangement works for USSOCOM because the Proving cyberspace is a battle space. The air training for an Air Force AC-130 pilot is different domain played a role in World War I. Observation from that of a Navy SEAL, which is still different balloons and dogfighting (aerial warfare à la the Red from developing an Army Special Forces soldier, but Baron) serve as the predominant aerial features of that not so in cyberspace. A cyberspace operation is the conflict. However, the combatants of World War II same regardless of the physical domain from which it truly grasped the significance of air superiority. The is launched. The solution that provides the DOD with Battle of Britain, the allies’ strategic bombing campaign, the best-staffed, -trained, and -equipped cyberspace the advent of parachute units, and, ultimately, the units is an independent cyberspace force. bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki all demonstrated the importance of combat in the skies. U.S. Cyber Force Establishment: Currently, cyberspace resides in the type of limbo After the Next War status air power occupied during the interwar years. With so many reasons supporting the establishNonetheless, there have been a few isolated instances of ment of the U.S. Cyber Force, what is stopping it? state-on-state cyberwarfare. In April 2007, Russia conThere are two major hurdles. First, cyberspace is still ducted an effective denial-of-service attack on Estonia’s 116 May-June 2016  MILITARY REVIEW