Military Review English Edition July-August 2015 | Page 7
Contents July-August 2015
Volume 95 ◆ Number 4
42 Developing Army
Enterprise Leaders
Col. Charles D. Allen, U.S. Army,
Retired, and
Col. George J. Woods, PhD,
U.S. Army, Retired
The authors describe what they consider
the shortfalls of U.S. Army senior leader
development and explain how to properly
develop officers capable of leading large
and complex organizations, processes, and
systems to produce the capabilities that will
achieve mission success in future operations.
68 Army Leadership and the
Communication Paradox
Maj. Christopher M. Ford,
U.S. Army
A General MacArthur Leadership Award
runner-up shows why the Army must
acknowledge the importance of effective
communication, integrate the teaching
of communication skills—writing and
speaking—throughout the Army officer
education system, and elevate the role of
effective communication in the exercise of
mission command.
50 Mentoring, Coaching, and 75 Operation United
Toward a Common
Col. Jim Thomas, U.S. Army,