Military Review English Edition July-August 2013 | Page 3

Headquarters , Department of the Army U . S . Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth , Kansas
Volume XCIII — July-August 2013 , No . 4
website : http :// militaryreview . army . mil email : usarmy . leavenworth . tradoc . mbx . military-review-public-em @ mail . mil
Professional Bulletin 100-13-7 / 8
Military Review is a refereed journal that provides a forum for original thought and debate on the art and science of land warfare and other issues of current interest to the U . S . Army and the Department of Defense . Military Review also supports the education , training , doctrine development , and integration missions of the Combined Arms Center , Fort Leavenworth , Kansas .
53 Design and Operational Art : A Practical Approach to Teaching the Army Design Methodology
Colonel Thomas Graves , U . S . Army and Bruce E . Stanley , Ph . D ., U . S . Army , Retired
As the Army design doctrine has evolved , so has the design curriculum at the U . S . Army ’ s School of Advanced Military Studies ( SAMS ).
60 A More Flexible Army and a More Stable World
First Lieutenant George W . Runkle , U . S . Army The author proposes a new Army for a new era .
71 Women : The Combat Multiplier of Asymmetric Warfare
Colonel Clark H . Summers , U . S . Army Reserve In wars among the people , women are a necessary component of the total fight .
79 Contemporary Readings for the Military Professional
The Secretary of the Army has determined that the publication of this periodical is necessary in the transaction of the public business as required by law of the department . Funds for printing this publication were approved by the Secretary of the Army in accordance with the provisions of Army Regulation 25-30 .
Official :
Raymond T . Odierno
General , United States Army Chief of Staff
Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
Authorization no . 1317104
Military Review presents professional information , but the views expressed herein are those of the authors , not the Department of Defense or its elements . The content does not necessarily reflect the official U . S . Army position and does not change or supersede any information in other official U . S . Army publications . Authors are responsible for the accuracy and source documentation of material they provide . Military Review reserves the right to edit material . Basis of official distribution is one per 10 officers for major commands , corps , divisions , major staff agencies , garrison commands , Army schools , Reserve commands , and Cadet Command organizations ; one per 25 officers for medical commands , hospitals , and units ; and one per five officers for Active and Reserve brigades and battalions , based on assigned field grade officer strength . Military Review is available online at http :// militaryreview . army . mil .
Military Review ( US ISSN 0026-4148 ) ( USPS 123-830 ) is published bimonthly by the U . S . Army , CAC , Fort Leavenworth , KS 66027-1293 . Paid subscriptions are available through the Superintendent of Documents for $ 42 US / APO / FPO and $ 58.80 foreign addresses per year . Periodical postage paid at Leavenworth , KS , and additional mailing offices . POSTMASTER : Send address changes to Military Review , CAC , 290 Stimson Avenue , Unit 2 , Fort Leavenworth , KS 66027-1254 .