Military Review English Edition July-August 2013 | Page 2

Lieutenant General David G . Perkins
Commander , USACAC Commandant , CGSC
COL John J . Smith Director and Editor in Chief
LTC James F . Lowe Executive Officer
Editorial Staff
Marlys Cook , LTC , USA ( Ret .) Managing Editor
Peter D . Fromm , LTC , USA ( Ret .) Supervisory Editor
Nancy Mazzia Books and Features Editor
Julie Gunter Visual Information Specialist
Linda Darnell Administrative Assistant
Michael Serravo Visual Information Specialist , Webmaster
Editorial Board Members
MG Gordon B . Davis , Jr . Deputy Commanding General CSM Joe B . Parson Jr . LD & E Command Sergeant Major Clinton J . Ancker , III , Director , Combined Arms Doctrine Directorate Robert Baumann , Director , CGSC Graduate Program COL ( P ) Thomas C . Graves , Director , School of Advanced Military Studies Gregory Fontenot , Director , University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies Lester W . Grau Foreign Military Studies Office John Pennington , Chief , Media Division , Center for Army Lessons Learned Thomas Jordan , Director , Capability Development Integration Directorate COL Roderick M . Cox Director , Combat Studies Institute Dennis Tighe , Deputy Director , Combined Arms Center-Training
2 The Future Army : Preparation and Readiness
General Robert W . Cone , U . S . Army The future of the nation depends on an intelligently trained and disciplined Army .
7 Trafficking Terror through Tajikistan
Luke Falkenburg
The opiate trade through Tajikistan provides finances that help keep Islamist extremist organizations viable .
16 The CTC Program : Leading the March into the Future
Colonel Michael Barbee , U . S . Army The Combat Training Centers will continue to be at the forefront of Army Readiness .
23 Turkey ’ s Role in Afghanistan and Afghan Stabilization
Karen Kaya Turkey has a strong religious , historical , and cultural relationship with Afghanistan .
31 Sowing Dragon ’ s Teeth : OSS Operational Groups of World War II
Nathan C . Hill The author presents a concise history of America ’ s strategic intelligence services .
38 Joint Operational Access and the Global Response Force : Redefining Readiness
Brigadier General Charles Flynn and Major Joshua Richardson , U . S . Army
The authors posits that we must invest in our joint forcible-entry capabilities such that when needed , they are equipped , trained , and ready to complete the mission .
45 The Engaged Leader Paradigm : The Community Health Promotion Council as the Key to Family and Soldier Readiness
E . Margaret Phillips
An Army wife and former family readiness group leader asserts that that the Army has outgrown the family readiness group system and calls for an engaged leader paradigm to take its place .
Consulting Editors
Colonel Hertz Pires Do Nascimento Brazilian Army , Brazilian Edition
LTC Claudio Antonio Mendoza Oyarce Chilean Army , Hispano-American Edition
Front cover : SPC Jacob Johns with the 2-150 Field Artillery pulls the lanyard firing the M198 howitzer during a retirement ceremony for that weapon system at Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center , IN , 18 September 2010 .