Military Review English Edition January-February 2014 | Page 34

States, Societies, Resistance, and COIN Samuel Abrams R AJIV CHANDRASEKARAN’S LITTLE AMERICA: THE WAR WITHIN THE WAR FOR AFGHANISTAN, is about NATO’s counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan since 2009. Published in 2012, it is one of the few works that links high-level policy to on-the-ground realities of a far away war. As the United States determines a role for its military after 2014, it is worth looking back. Many have focused on the book’s portrayal of personal infighting, bureaucratic sclerosis, and parochialism.1 Perhaps more interesting is that he shows how Western ideas about state-society relations led NATO to conduct a campaign that has cost trillions of dollars, has had at best limited successes, and may have simply armed an array of factions for civil war when NATO leaves.2 Samuel Abrams is a senior associate at Caerus Associates, a strategic design irm. He leads the irm’s training and education programs, which prepare civilian and military personnel for deployment to unstable environments, including Afghanistan. He is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies. The views expressed here are his own. (U.S. Army)