Military Review English Edition January-February 2014 | Page 2

Col. Anna R. Friederich-Maggard G Our new website look above. REETINGS! IT IS A NEW YEAR and a fresh start in many respects. At Military Review, we approach every edition as a fresh start to see how we can provide an even better product than the one before. We saw some great changes in the journal this past year with the revamp of the online version, increased information available on our social media sites, shorter articles, and a more appealing front and back cover. We are still working diligently to bring our readers more promised changes. Our focus in the coming months is to transition the journal to themed editions beginning in late summer. The topics listed are those we feel are relevant to the Army now and in the future, topics that would spur debate, introduce new ideas, or explain concepts that many may otherwise overlook. You can find the six-month topic forecast in each edition. This allows our seasoned and budding authors enough time to select a topic and submit their work for publication. Of course, Military Review accepts articles on all subjects as well, that is why we are introducing a new program on Facebook and our website called MR Spotlight. MR Spotlight highlights articles on a bi-weekly basis. The intent is to increase amount the amoun of information reaching our readers, as well as stimulate thought and in feedback i a more consistent and timely manner. Military Review receives a great number of submissions each year; only a fraction of these articles are published. In addition, it could be several months from the time we approve an article to publisharticle in a future issue of the journal. Subject matter, relevancy, feedback, ing that art and timing all have an impact on when, or if an article is published. MR Spotlight serves as an outlet for recognition of many authors, potentially Spo sooner much soon than our bi-monthly publication. It is highly encouraged for authors to send submissions specifically for MR Spotlight. We also receive numerous articles subm although that althou were not necessarily ideal for Military Review, would be excellent candidates for MR Spotlight. Those authors may also choose to shift their piece to ca the bi-wee e bi-weekly feature. Another Anothe event we look forward to is unveiling the new website in January. You find will find it will be easier to use with quicker access to the information you need. It was redesigned to be more contemporary and move Military Review forward. redesi re This edition of Military Review contains many informative articles on a variety is edi subjects. of subjects One of note is titled “Preferring Copies with No Originals: Does the j Training Strategy Train to Fail?” on page 15. It discusses how the Army Army Trai potentially trains in an approach that is in conflict with what we expect our trainpotent ntially ing to acco o accomplish. The author even uses analogies from the movie The Matrix to strengthen strengthen the argument. g This ed s edition also lists the new topic for the General William E. DePuy writing competition competitio on page 116. The inside back cover has been dedicated to the latest Medal ti of Honor recipient Capt. William D. Swenson. r this I feel th edition is another outstanding effort by Military Review to provide our h readers the r readers the latest in informative debate and discourse on the most current issues h relevant o relevant to the Army. ee Please visit us at or like Please v us on Facebook to see the new face of Military Review! us n Face