Military Review English Edition January-February 2014

January-February 2014 THE PROFESSIONAL JOURNAL OF THE U.S. ARMY  January-February 2014 Virtual Influence: Leveraging Social Media as a Leadership Tool p4 Maj. Jana K. Fajardo, U.S. Army Preferring Copies with No Originals p15 Maj. Ben E. Zweibelson, U.S. Army A Tale of Two Districts p26 Lt. Cmdr. Daniel R. Green, Ph.D., U.S. Navy Of Burning Platforms and Champions p43 Cmdr. William Hines, U.S. Navy Reserve PB-100-14-1/2 Headquarters, Department of the Army PIN: 103920-000 Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited COMBINED ARMS CENTER, FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS