Project Progress Report
Patient with abnormal renal function or abnormal liver function, evidence of
cirrhosis or portal hypertension
Patient with known history of HIV 1 and HIV 2, Hepatitis B or C infection
or syphilis infection
Patient suffering from malignancy, mental illness or any other cardio
vascular disease
3. Concomitant Medications
Patients on steroids
4. Allergy/Intolerance
Patients with known history of hypersensitivity to any medication
5. Substance Abuse
Patients consuming alcohol > more than 2 ounce a day
6. Participation in clinical trial previously
another investigational agent/device or
participated in a clinical trial within the last 30 days prior to enrollment.
7. Others
Pregnant or lactating woman
Women of childbearing potential not practicing contraception
Randomized controlled clinical trial to evaluate prophylactic
5 properties of Ayu rv ed ic Treatment Protocol in
refractory and chronic migraine patients