Midreshet Tehillah Alumnae Newsletter
Dear fellow MT'ers,
Welcome to the inaugural
Midreshet Tehillah newsletter.
Believe it or not, Midreshet Tehillah
is completing its Bat Mitzvah year
and we could not pass up this
opportunity to celebrate. With
the backdrop of this momentous
birthday, we are thrilled to
announce the launch of the MT
Alumnae Network.
The vision for the network is
to create meaningful ways for
alumnae to connect with each
other and with Midreshet Tehillah’s
incredible staff. We are putting
together a comprehensive alumnae
directory, and envision online
classes, reunions...the possibilities
are endless! We have appointed
class ambassadors to represent each
graduating year so expect a call
soon! We are still in the beginning
stages of brainstorming, so this is
a fantastic chance to get in on the
ground floor and help create the
kind of alumnae network that will
work for you!
Ways to get involved:
1. Keep in Touch
a. Click Here to fill out this
short alumnae update survey
so we have your info!
b. Let us know when you are
coming to visit in Israel
Summer 2014 - Page 2
the lives of so many women over
the past twelve years. I look forward
to exploring how the MT Alumnae
Network can influence our future,
and how we can influence the
future of Midreshet Tehillah.
2. Give MT a Bat Mitzvah Gift
(see below for this exciting
Newsletter: We plan to issue
a bi-annual e-newsletter with
articles of interest, showcasing
what our fabulous MT friends
are up to in life, and of course the
mazel tov/life update section (we
all know that is the first place we
look :) so–if you like to write, edit,
or have great ideas, let us know!
Birthdays are a wonderful a
chance to appreciate the past, to
reflect on how it has shaped our
present, and how we hope it will
influence our future. Midreshet
Tehillah has profoundly influenced
With warmest wishes,
Frieda Kahn
MT ‘03-‘04
US Representative,
Neve Yerushalayim
Rabbi Kagan’s jokes, Mrs. Kagan’s epic banana chocolate chip
above all, the incredible learning
late nights and dance parties in the dorms with friends, and
s? It was truly a once in a lifetime
and growth we enjoyed while exploring Israel and ourselve
d to adulthood, from being
Just as a Bat Mitzvah represents the transition from childhoo
n which our parents can also
supported by our parents to developing into someone upo
ortunity to reflect on and express
depend, this birthday provides us MT alumnae with the opp
s and dedicated guidance to
our hakarat hatov to Midreshet Tehillah for giving us the tool
develop our uniquely Jewish selves.
raising $1,000
Please join your fellow MT alumnae and commit to