Mid Hudson Times Feb. 14 2018 | Page 2

Mid Hudson Times , Wednesday , February 14 , 2018
Calendar .................. 12
City of Newburgh ............
Classifieds ................
Crossword ................
Letters to the Editor ..........
Meadow Hill ...............
Town of Newburgh ...........
Newburgh Heritage ........... 10
New Windsor ...............
Obituaries ................. 17
Opinion ...................
Police Blotter ..............
Service Directory ...........
Sports ...................
Town of New Windsor Planning Board , 7 p . m . Town Hall , 555 Union Ave ., New Windsor .
THURSDAY , FEBRUARY 15 City of Newburgh IDA , 3 p . m . City Hall Law Library , 2nd Floor , 83 Broadway , Newburgh . Special board meeting to move forward with the awarding of a contract based on an RFP released earlier this month for forestry management services at 5 Scobie Drive . Town of Newburgh Planning Board , 7 p . m . Town Hall , 1496 Route 300 , Town of Newburgh .
City of Newburgh Planning Board , 7:30 p . m . City of Newburgh Activity Center , 401 Washington St .
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New Windsor Corps ‘ busiest ’ in county

Calls for volunteer ambulance service are rising in the busy town of New Windsor , says Volunteer Ambulance Corps chief Michael Bigg .
“ Of all the volunteer ambulances we are the busiest in Orange County ,” Bigg adds
One reason . Hard work and constant training that pays off . So much so that everybody else calls New Windsor for mutual aid .
Recognition for New Windsor came from the Regional Emergency Services MS Council that promotes high quality pre-hospital care .
“ We ’ re not a paid service so to get that award is pretty remarkable ,” Bigg says .
He predicts “ we ’ re going to go over 4,000 calls for service this year .”
At Stewart ’ s crowded recent air show “ we treated patients last year and transported about 30 to the hospital from heat exhaustion , cuts and bruises and cardiac events ” says Bigg . “ That ’ s a huge task for us and we also had to cover our town .”
During the Verla chemical company fire both crews were already on other calls .
New Windsor paramedics are in demand because they can administer life saving procedures and medications lesser levels of training don ’ t permit . They train constantly .
So they are in mutual aid demand by other municipalities .
And the New Windsor volunteer corps is more popular since the town bought a super life saving heart machine called “ Lucas 3 ” that performs perfect compressions and never tires like human hands do . Its record of saving lives is hailed by emergency professionals .
The pump worked so well on a woman who seemed to be gone that she opened her eyes after the Lucas got going , says Bigg .
Constant upgrades like this heart pumping device have earned the New Windsor Corps excellence of service awards such as the recently bestowed “ the EMS Agency of the Year ” from Hudson Valley Regional Emergency Services Council ’ s Advanced Life Support EMS Agency for 2016 , with New Windsor volunteer Nicholas Gardiner ( cq ) the ALS Provider for 2016 .
All of the corps constant training , and dedication , says Bigg , has brought the corps the reputation for excellence that means New Windsor corps is a mutual aid favorite .
Wayne A . Hall
New Windsor Volunteer Ambulance Corps chief Michael Bigg demonstrates the crucial Lucas 3 chest compression machine that saves heart attack victims .
New Windsor responders are all paramedics a level of high training that lets them take life-saving measures .
There are not many other perks for these corps members “ except you ’ re doing a job for the community .” says Bigg .
And knowing that you ’ ve saved lives . And helped others to save lives .
Bigg counts five full-time paramedics and 10 part-time paramedics and they are constantly training and learning .
“ We ’ re the busiest service in the area ... this year we had a female passenger on an incoming flight at Stewart who had to be defibrillated multiple times to restart her heart ,” says Bigg . “ There wasn ’ t any pulse . She made a full recovery .”
New Windsor ’ s responders will be part of a “ huge airport drill ,” says Bigg at the airport in May .
If all that activity suggests additional space for the volunteers and more of them , that is the idea , says Bigg . The corps quarters built for 1,000 calls for service is too small for the crews handling 4,000 calls a year .
Recently a guy had a heart attack while mowing his lawn .
“ Two paramedics were there in three minutes ,” recalls Bigg .
They shocked him multiple times and he work up in the ambulance and they integrated him .. Full recovery .
He was dancing with his daughter at our dinner .
That ’ s what this is all about .”