Five things truck drivers should know about diesel exhaust fluid ( DEF )
Premium vs . regular diesel fuel
Five things truck drivers should know about diesel exhaust fluid ( DEF )
Rich Pauly Energy Sales ( 952 ) 466-3720
richp @ midcountycoop . com
1 . Diesel exhaust fluid ( DEF ) is a mix of two parts deionized water and one part urea . DEF is a non-hazardous product . Many ask , “ Will it freeze ?” The answer is yes , but the vehicle ’ s DEF system has a heater on it to bring it back to liquid form .
2 . Urea is the active ingredient in DEF , and it is also used in fertilizers , plastics , animal feed , and pharmaceutical applications .
3 . DEF is a pure product and shouldn ’ t be combined with any other materials . If you use an old plastic jug or metal container to transfer bulk DEF to your truck , you will run the risk of putting contaminants into the DEF system that could cause it to fail . This could also void the DEF warranty and your vehicle ’ s manufacturer warranty .
4 . If your truck came from the factory with a DEF system , it will not function properly without it . Vehicle manufacturers are required by the EPA to make it impossible
for a truck to run properly without DEF . In some trucks , running without DEF will cause the truck to slow to 5 mph or not run at all .
5 . Watch for warning lights ! When DEF levels are low , an amber-colored light will usually be displayed . As levels drop further , the light will begin to flash . If you run the DEF tank empty , you should see a red light start to flash and possibly hear an alarm also .
We have DEF and DEF equipment available for your truck , tractor , or equipment .
If you ’ re looking to upgrade your fueling equipment or lubricant needs , we have new and used equipment in stock and on sale . Check out the ad in this newsletter . Give us a call at 952-466-3720 and let us help .
Premium vs . regular diesel fuel
Quay Zander Petroleum Operations
( 952 ) 466-3727
quayz @ midcountycoop . com
Page 2
Compared to standard # 2 diesel , Premium Diesel Fuels from Mid- County Energy have additives that can improve your vehicle performance and reduce costly downtime :
• Biocide – Every gallon of our Premium Diesel has biocide added to it . This will eliminate any possibility of algae or fungi growth in your fuel tank or storage tank . It is fast acting
and it confuses the bacteria to keep it from becoming resistant to the treatment .
• Increased lubricity – Our Premium Diesel exceeds the lubricity standard in ASTM D975 and EMA premium diesel requirements . It is designed to reduce friction and provide protection against accelerated wear to prolong your fuel system ’ s life .
• Detergents – Fuel injectors get dirty over time , which leads to lower engine performance and less mileage per gallon . Our Premium Diesel Fuel includes detergents to help keep your fuel injectors clean and maintain the proper fuel spray pattern to avoid incomplete combustion . Results include reduced emissions and enhanced fuel economy .
• Stability – Improves storage life by 2-3 times as long by preventing the formulation of gums . It also reduces or delays thermal oxidation to prevent filter plugging .
• Corrosion / Rust Inhibition – Mid-County Premium Diesel Fuel prevents corrosion of fuel storage tanks along with your vehicle tank . It also protects your injectors and fuel systems from corrosion and rust formation prolonging your fuel equipment life .
At Mid-County Energy , our Premium Diesel Fuels are designed for optimal efficiency and performance . Call us today at ( 952 ) 466-3720 to place an order or learn more .
I would like to welcome Jeff Hart to the Mid-County Energy team . Jeff is our new service and energy driver . He has been busy training with Steve , Dusty , Rich , and Dale . Read more about Jeff on page 3 .
Have a safe spring !
www . midcountycoop . com