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Spring 2016 • Vol. 29
Spring 2016
Fuel Prices
There were several
predictions that we
could see $1.00 gas
this summer. For this
to happen, we have
Bill Reimers
to take about 50 cents
General Manager
per gallon off for state
(952) 466-3721
taxes, federal taxes
[email protected]
and freight. Currently
a barrel of crude oil
(which hovers around $30 these days) makes
about 45 gallons of refi ned products from its
original 42 gallon measurement – divide that
out and it makes it fairly diffi cult to get to the
$1 per gallon level.
Gasoline has risen almost 40 cents the last
few weeks; the reason is that many refi neries
were not very profi table at the lower levels
and have produced more diesel fuel than gas,
causing limited production of gasoline. Will
we see $3.00 gas? Probably not in the near fu-
ture, but we do expect to see the typical 40-60
cents per gallon rise from winter to summer.
Diesel fuel inventories are adequate at this
time. We may see some spot shortages this
spring and early summer. Both refi neries in
the Twin Cities will be performing mainte-
nance this spring, one starting in March and
one starting in May. Their maintenance will
typically last for 45 days. This could cause
some local price spikes through that period.
There has been a lot of talk about Saudi Ara-
bian imports keeping the crude oil price down.
What is interesting is that Canada sends al-
most four times as much crude to the U.S. than
the Saudis do, and they have been increasing
imports to us for the last few years.
We have mixed feelings on propane (LP Gas)
pricing. Inventories of propane are at record
levels, but they are dropping at a faster rate
than normal with the presence of several new
export loading terminals in the Gulf of Mex-
ico. These new facilities have the ability to
load ships at an alarming rate. That propane is
headed to parts of the world where the current
price is much higher than it is in the US. Also,
I have read that the expansion of the Panama
Canal late in 2016 will open more export op-
portunities for propane. We are hoping for pro-
pane prices to be similar to 2015/2016 levels
for the upcoming year. After the export market
is well underway, we could see prices back to
where they were a few short years ago.
Expanding and Growing
Our recent projects include adding another
Case/IH Sprayer to our fl eet, an additional
fertilizer tender, upgrading to a brand new
diesel island and new gasoline dispensers at
the convenience store, and our state-of-the-art
truck alignment and tire balancing systems.
Most importantly are the additions of two
more staff members to our energy and agron-
omy departments.
In May, you will be receiving your dividend
for your purchases from our last fi scal year.
You will be pleased again due to our profi t-
ability last year. The Board of Directors and
management of Mid-County holds a high pri-
ority in maintaining a fi nancially strong coop-
Thank you for your support and keeping
Mid-County a successful, strong company for
80 years.
As always, I appreciate your comments and
suggestions to make your coop better.
700 Lake Street West, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3720
700 Lake Street West, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3730
710 Lake Street West, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3710
Hwy. 212 & Hwy. 284, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-5657
(952) 466-3700 • 888-466-3700 • 700 Lake Street West, P.O. Box 177, Cologne