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DEF : The fluid of the future
If you ’ re thinking about purchasing a new vehicle that runs on diesel , you may have heard about diesel exhaust fluid ( DEF ).
The new product , which is injected into hot exhaust , is a way for diesel equipment to meet the Environmental Protection Agency ’ s recently updated emissions standards .
As the operating fluid for selective catalytic reduction ( SCR ) technology , DEF is comprised of 67.5 percent water and 32.5 percent urea . It helps convert NOx into nitrogen gas and water vapor , resulting in a cleaner emission
Driven to drive
If Dusty Kroells is involved , there ’ s a good chance a truck , snowplow , or motorcycle is , too .
“ It just seems to work out that way for me ,” said Dusty , who ran his own fuel delivery company before becoming a fuel driver for Mid-County Coop .
“ I started at Mid-County in April , but I ’ ve been doing this for 12 years ,” he said .
Dusty graduated from high school in Arlington in 1989 , and gained experience in mechanics and semi truck driving .
He also worked part time as a fuel driver , and later purchased the com- that ’ s better for the environment .
DEF use will most likely increase in the future , as more vehicles are equipped for the technology .
Typically , between 2 to 4 gallons of DEF is injected into the exhaust system for every 100 gallons of diesel fuel that is used .
DEF ’ s shelf life is about one year . It should not be stored in extremely cold temperatures , because it has the potential to freeze .
People who would like to purchase DEF can contact Mid-County Coop ’ s energy division at ( 952 ) 466-3720 . It is important to purchase a reputable brand of DEF , because issues have been reported in some of the offbrands .
We can order it in a wide variety of sizes , from 2.5-gallon bottles to 330- gallon totes , and it typically arrives within two weeks .
Delivering our Area ’ s Energy & Heating Homes Since 1935
• Bulk Fuel
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pany .
This year , Dusty decided to drive for M i d - C o u n t y Coop instead .
“ I ’ d been doing business with them for awhile , and I knew the
Dusty Kroells managers already ,” he said . “ They ’ re very nice people to work with , and it ’ s been great so far .”
Throughout his day , Dusty covers a wide area , including cities like Green
• Soy Diesel
• Bulk Oil
• Lubricants
www . midcountycoop . com
Isle , Montrose , Howard Lake , Hamburg , and many others .
“ I like that I get to see different customers throughout the day ,” he said . “ In the spring , summer , and fall , it ’ s also great being outside .”
Winter driving can sometimes be tough , but Dusty is still looking forward to the snowy season .
“ I do snowplowing for people in Green Isle ,” he said . “ I ’ m hoping for a lot of snow .”
Dusty also enjoys riding motorcycles , and doesn ’ t mind spending a lot of time on the road .
“ I ’ m pretty content with what I ’ m doing ,” he said .
• Scheduled Delivery Program
( 952 ) 466-3720 www . midcountycoop . com