Winter 2011 • Vol. 20
New and improved fertilizer blending
• DEF: The fl uid
of the future
Page 2
• Driven to drive
Page 2
• A long and happy
Page 3
• Don’t forget those
propane checkups
Page 3
• An expert in the
fi eld
Page 4
• Julie Clemensen at
your service
Page 5
• Focus on effi ciency
with VRT
Page 5
• Deb Kechely is
right at home at
Mid-County Coop
Page 6
• A mix of talent
Page 6
Auto, Truck, & Tire Center
710 W. Lake St., Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3710
Bill Reimers
General Manager
(952) 466-3721
[email protected]
At Mid-County, we
are always looking for
ways to make your
cooperative more effi -
cient, and an upgraded
fertilizer blending sys-
tem is one way for us
to do just that. Along
with that, we have also
purchased an addition-
al 62-foot anhydrous
ammonia toolbar with
the latest technology
in application accuracy.
Our former fertilizer blending system has served
us well for over two decades, and we decided it was
the right time for a change. The newly installed
fertilizer blender is also faster, especially when it
comes to loading the trucks for VRT (variable rate
technology) applications. It also has the ability to
weigh and switch products faster, which will allow
us to better serve our customers.
As I mentioned with the anhydrous, our new tool-
bar and plumbing system is state-of-the-art. The
unique system we have installed will allow us to
continue to travel at adequate fi eld speeds and,
at the same time, apply with accuracy along the
length of the 62’ toolbar. Add that to the tractor that
has auto steer and you have an unmatched system
for speed and accuracy.
In the energy division, we are in the process of
getting bids for replacing two fuel trucks. You can
never say Mid-County doesn’t fully utilize our
equipment. One of the trucks we are replacing just
turned over 444,444 miles. While that may not be
a lot for a semi truck, this is an amazing feat for a
smaller fuel truck. We are able to do that by main-
taining our own fl eet at our repair shop. Our trained
and experienced mechanics can keep not just our
customers rolling, but our own fl eet, as well.
At our Holiday Convenience Store, we are nearing
the two-year mark with the Holiday franchise. We
are still learning what it is like to be connected with
a company that is in the “big leagues” of conve-
nience stores. They have brought a wealth of infor-
mation to the table to help us operate profi tably.
We have strongly considered replacing the car
wash, and though a decision has not been made, we
have to deal with the age of the car wash. Our time
is limited before we have to replace the unit.
As always, I appreciate your comments and sug-
gestions to make your co-op better.
Continued Financial Strength
Our fi scal year closed Aug. 31, and it ended on a strong note. It also started strong. Six
months in, the co-op was several hundred thousand dollars ahead of the previous year. That
followed through to the end of the year. It greatly improved our balance sheet. Lately, Mid-
County’s agronomy and fuel sectors have experienced growth, and we are grateful for the
cooperative’s continued fi nancial health throughout its 75-year history.
Fuel, Office, Propane
700 W. Lake St., Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3720
700 W. Lake St., Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-3730
Holiday Convenience Store
Hwy. 212 & Hwy. 284, Cologne, MN 55322
(952) 466-5657
(952) 466-3700 • 888-466-3700 • 700 West Lake Street, P.O. Box 177, Cologne