Mid-County Agronomy
Planning for next year
Jim Aritt - Agronomy Manager
2010 is a year that we probably
won’t forget for awhile. It started
out being a challenge trying to get
the crop in with the early rain, then
rain again at spraying time, but
we got the heat needed to make
the crop mature at record pace.
The yields on this year’s crops are
probably better than most of us ex-
pected. I have had conversations
with many of you and have heard
repeatedly that this is probably the
best crop we have ever seen.
The next challenge is looking at a
plan for next year; if you have soil
samples done already, then give
us a call so we can talk about next
year’s crop plans. I know Joe has
had the opportunity to sample
many fi elds and we have that in-
formation on hand, but it is best to
resample about every 3 to 4 years,
so if you need some sampling done,
give us a call.
Fertilizer and seed have some
price protection and discounts on
for this fall, and the way things look
now, some of the supply will be
tight again next spring. By locking
in early, you can protect yourself
from price increases and supply is-
sues that could arise in the future.
We have a good supply on hand for
this fall. Now would also be a good
time to look at trying to get some
of your P & K needs met for next
year’s crop.
Doug has been working on seed
and has been watching the yields
and hybrids to see what is working
and what soil types to place diff er-
ent hybrids and varieties in.
Remember, the right seed needs
to be placed in the right fi eld to get
the maximum yield potential for
that fi eld. We have access to great
seed companies with a large selec-
tion of hybrids and varieties. We
can help you maximize your profi t
for every acre. There are excellent
early discounts for orders placed
I would also like to take the time
to thank all the customers that we
had the opportunity to work with
this year, and to say that we look
forward to a great year in 2011.
Thanks, Jim Aritt
75 t h
1935 - 2010
Joe Forner
Jim Aritt
(952) 466-3730
Mid-County Messenger Page 2
Agronomy Manager Agronomist
(952) 466-3733 (952) 466-3730
[email protected][email protected]