Mid-County Messenger Page 5
Mid-County Fuels & Energy Delivery
Why should I use synthetic oils?
high temperatures than a conven-
tional 20W-50. The reason for this is
the base stock from which the syn-
thetic is constructed.
Besides its resistance to viscosity
Rafael Lozada
loss at high temperatures, synthet-
Cert. Energy Specialist
ics also have much stronger fi lm
(952) 466-3725
strength. Film strength is the amount
[email protected]
of pressure needed to force out a
fi lm of oil between two fl at pieces
If your business operates only as well of metal. A good petroleum based
as your equipment does, you have oil measures at 500 pounds, while
asked yourself this question before. most synthetics are around the 3000
Well stop asking yourself, because lb. level. This is important—because
here is the answer.
of its inherent higher fi lm strength,
Petroleum based oils are a complex there is much less blow-by past the
mixture of hydrocarbon compounds rings and thus less oil contamina-
refi ned from crude oil. Through the tion.
refi ning process, most, but not all, of
Synthetic oils are typically compat-
the contaminants that exist are re- ible with regular petroleum oils, but
moved. While synthetics appear to most manufacturers’ literature state
be chemically similar to regular oils that a synthetic from one maker
refi ned from crude, they are pure may not be compatible with a syn-
chemicals which do not contain any thetic from another. If you switch to
impurities or waxes inherent in con- a synthetic oil, keep using the same
ventional oils.
brand, at least when you have to add
Synthetic oils provide considerably oil, or do an oil change.
higher viscosity ratings at critical
Synthetic oils have come of age. If
areas without the use of viscosity you want your engine to last practi-
improvers. A synthetic 10W-40 will cally forever, produce more power
generally have higher viscosity at and get better mileage, all at the
same time, then synthetic oil is for
Cenex® Total Protection Plan
Cenex Lubes + Cenex Fuels = The
best Warranty in Agriculture.
Whether you buy new or used
equipment, you simply won’t fi nd
a better way to protect your invest-
ment. That’s because this warranty
gives you unsurpassed coverage
while helping to ensure that only
high-quality energy products go
into your equipment.
When you use Ruby Fieldmaster®
premium diesel and Cenex® lubri-
cants exclusively, you’ll get up to 10
years or 10,000 hours of engine and
transmission coverage.
What makes this the best
warranty in Agriculture?
• Covers new equipment for up to
10 years, or 10,000 hours
• Covers a wide variety of
• No deductible
• Minimal enrollment fee
• No operator “burden of proof”
• Transferable
The Edge in
Cost and Carbon
• Improves Fuel Economy • Reduces Cost
• Conserves the Environment • Prolongs Engine Life
Maxtron® Enviro-EDGE TM SAE 5W-40 Full Synthetic