Mi primera revista MIRELLA 9 | Page 2

CHAPTER- The origins of language. DESCRIPTION REFLECTIONS the chapter on has content the diferent topics for example: the divine source,the natural sound source, the social interaction source, the physical adaptation source and incluids teeth, lips,moutht, larynx and parrynx, in conclusion it was based on the language of people through sounds and is very it is reasonable to assume that the children in their study were producing a communication to your immediate environment instead of a phrygian sound of Distant. the primitive words could have been imitations of the natural sounds that humans around you and all modern languages have words Onomatopoeic in some way arco-wow. Using this way the correct pronunciation using lips, nose for a correct sound. As this chapter is undoubtedly one of the most emblematic of this story because there are many teachings about all the correct use of words, sounds and how is how to learn and interact from children is something we do not take into account solo we do it in a natural fashion since it is something that develops spontaneously but with the passage of time is observed in how we evolve as people and as students. Instead of looking at types of sounds as the source of human speech, we can types of physical characteristics that humans possess, especially those that are distinct from others creatures, who may have been able to support speech production. We can start with the observation that, at some early stage, our ancestors made a transition to an erect posture, with bipedal locomotion (in two feet) and one role for the front members throughout the chapter can see in an attentive way how it teaches us a reflection and learn continuously.