MHC Dish From the Pitch 2014 Week 11 | Page 7

Burke’s very own Ted Sanders showed some clutch hurling techniques when taking some frees from their 65 meter line.

For Slim’s, the second half of the game provided the opportunity for one purpose. Although he’s taken a few years off here and there, Slim’s Mike Hamby has played with the MHC since the beginning of the club. At the beginning of this season, Mike announced this year would be his last. Because of his years of being a stellar defensive presence, Mike never had the chance to play on the offensive side of the field…until the second half of this game found him playing the center full-forward spot for Slim’s.

Slim’s worked diligently to keep the ball moving toward Hammer but were thwarted each time by the steadfast defense of Burke’s Patrick McGowan and others. After multiple drives to push the sliotar to the Hammer, Slim’s finally had a breakaway run resulting in a hand pass to Hammer who seized the opportunity by grabbing the pass, turning toward the goal and burying a strong-side shot just outside of the goalie’s reach.

At the end of the game, both teams held a brief ceremony to celebrate Mike’s innumerable contributions to the MHC throughout the years. While the gathered crowd chanted, “Hammer! Hammer!” Slim’s captain Matt Ebert presented Mike with a trophy for his exceptional involvement with the club. After opening the trophy, he replied, “This club is the best family someone could ever have.” After the trophy, his goal-winning sliotar with the words “the one and only” written on it was presented to him, as well. Although the words are a reference to Mike’s “one and only” goal in the MHC, the words could not be better-suited to describe the person that is Mike Hamby. Thank you, Mike, for all you have done and continue to do for the “best family someone could ever have.”