MHC Dish From the Pitch 2014 Week 11 | Page 6

Finding out you’ve unexpectedly been provided with one more game of hurling than you expected is like discovering a pound of bacon hiding in your refrigerator. Yet the teams of Burke’s Irish Castle and Slim McGinn’s were given the very opportunity to play one additional game in order to play for the 5th and 6th place spots in the leaderboard standings. Each squad came ready to play a fun but competitively-spirited game. At the start of each game quarter, Burke’s Irish Castle passed a hat and each player chose a random field position to play. Slims’ players were in new positions compared to their regular season lineout, as well. For Slim’s, this game provided the chance for their very own Mike “The Hammer” Hamby to have one final game before hanging up the cleats for good.

The opening throw-in found Hammer and Burke’s Casey Schaak battling it out in the midfield for the ball. The throw-in resulted in with Hammer having to run to the sideline to get bandaged. Despite Burke’s numerous volunteer players, including AJ Varelas, Denise Lubotsky, Aislinn Leonard, Meghan Neuenschwander, Brian Marsolek and Brian Dake, the hardcore Burke’s players were ready for a game. Slim’s usual goalie, Andy McKee, covered the midfield like an Irish sprinter and soaked-up anything that came his way as he played against volunteer Burke’s midfielder Denise Lubotsky (yes, you read that match-up correctly). McKee eventually acknowledged hitting the ball through the uprights is a little harder than it looks when you’re playing in goal on the other end of the field. Burke’s Matt Mangan, ran-up points and goals despite Slim’s brick wall of defense. Great play came from Burke’s family-based combos of Jeff and Evan Schissler as well as Richard and Michael Herbers. Slim’s Ian Doherty and Horst Burmeister pounded points through the uprights like NFL field goal kickers.

The One and Only by Rob McCommons