Unfortunately for the monster, alien birds are attracted
to the carcass of your prey and are startled by your
steps, so traversal around the map is a deft mix of
speed and deliberation. Each monster also has its own
quirks, so you’ll have to adapt your playstyle to suit the
one you’re controlling.
The humans are split into four classes: the Trapper,
the Medic, Assault and Support. Each is as important
as the other and any weakness in the chain will likely
lead to failure. This is a game best played with friends
– if your friends don’t play, you best find a clan.
When each game begins, the Trapper is the most
important resource. Not only is each character in this
class equipped with a way of finding the monster, but
they also have access to an electronic dome that can
trap the monster in – knowing when to deploy this
can mean the difference between success and failure,
especially when it can just as easily trap you.
Assault is there to deal damage, the Medic can keep
the party alive and Support can provide buffs. If any
of these fall down, the humans will have trouble
winning. Each of the three characters in each class
also comes with their own quirks. For example, the
first Medic has a tranquilliser rifle that can slow the
monster, as well as a healing gun. The second has a
semi-automatic sniper rifle that can paint weakpoints
on the monster and also has a lazarus device to raise
expired party members from the dead. The third has
two grenade launchers – one for healing and one
for debilitating. The different human and monster
combinations can make for some interesting battles
Unfortunately, it’s not consistently thrilling. When
it works, it’s brilliant and provides something
completely unlike anything else, but it’s only as
good as the people playing it. If the teams are
slightly unbalanced, games can easily devolve into
a massacre. Not all the monsters are equally fun to
fight, either – the Wraith, a speedy creature that can
turn invisible, is an absolute nightmare to track and
trap, which means you’ll nearly always fight it at full
strength. You’ll lose. This problem might ease off a bit
when the DLC monsters arrive, but for now, anyone
who has unlocked the Wraith is using it.
Although it has a steep learning curve and isn’t
always at its best, Evolve is worth it when it all clicks.
Occasionally, moments of magic will just happen – a
match will be back and forth, each side using their
wits to survive, and a victory will be hanging on a
thread. It’s a feeling lacking from most other online
games. If you’re looking for something different to
get your teeth into, Evolve is an absolute monster.
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