August 2019
General Business . I had this format-
ted and arranged in an orderly fashion
before the “Siamese Twins” fresh back
from their Bangkok parts exploration trip
completely took over the meeting with
gold watch presentations to very lucky
(or unfortunate) register members.
I speak of Anthony and
his “mule” Andrew Willington who
screwed the living daylights out of a
poor Thai trader for 10 gold plastic
watches at 40 baht each ($2.00 AUD).
A nice gesture but the quality of the
gold can be compared favourably with
the weight of a piece of tissue paper.
Not withstanding the lucky recipients
were BOTR ( to keep the meeting run-
ning on time), Artfur ( Sporting Car
Club rising star, a reminder of time with
us ) TD McNabb ( Alarm function to get
him to the meeting at 7.00pm instead of
7.00am ) Terry 007 Wright ( As a pre-
sent from his son Andrew in Bangkok)
Russell Garth ( Another alarm function
to keep him off Twitface, time manage-
ment opportunity). Two in absentia Bob
Schapel ( throw away the old casio) and
Peter Cundy ( new lap timer for the
NA ).
In the middle of all that, the pizza deliv-
ery boy arrived and the attention span
of members was zilch ! All over red
rover I just gave up.
The MG biscuits. Leigh’s daughter has
an amazing biscuit cutter that pumps out
MG monogramed biscuits as big as ra-
diator badges and they are excellent,
however our boy Leigh completely for-
got them last year and nearly did the
same again this year amid the confusion
and mayhem of the Siamese watch
presentation however all devoured suc-
Faces in the crowd. Yes indeed The
Squire, Don Offler and his mate Ray
Finch again this meeting, Geoff And
Anne Mclean freshly back from red hot
Portugal and Malta with great stories
that included nudity by crusty old farts
on the beach, The Glassons , Judy and
Geoff at long last, Roland Garris com-
plete in WW1 leather flying helmut ,
Mike Lyons (what can you say), Peter
Auld on high beam LED ,
Trevor Driver has a four
poster, no not a bed, a lifter
for his garage, Kenny
Fisher ,TD on the night but
has a new acquisition with
a big rubber bumper on the
front coming up next meet-
Other newsworthy items.
Don Walker (ghost who
walks) has put the SA
Tickford on the MG Buy
Swap & Sell website for
sale , sad really he was