MG Motoring 2019 Volume 59 Issue 7 | Page 10

MG Car Club of South Australia PRE-WAR & T - REGISTER From..John Bray, photos D McNabb, Terry Wright portance, Peter Cundy ( Hamilton Is- land), Don Walker ( Norfolk Island),Chris & Heather Bennett ( splashing in the River Nile ), Simon Ewart (night flying), David Herbert, Nick Proferes, Reg O’Malley (ankle injury), Brian Forth ( 2 cold), Peter Shipside ( at other car club), John Davies, Pat Mullins, Carl Aiken, Garry Chapman, John Tamke ( home duties ) The Bazzica’s (much 2 cold), Bob Schapel ( recovering ), David Fair- brother, Ronnie Jellett and the Doc Dall- witz ( over eating ). Now 42 signed in, 14 T Type MG’s , 2 Y Type paraded in the driveway, congratu- lations for those who drove to the meet- ing with hoods down. 13 July 2019 4 July 2019 at Leigh Richter’s Aldgate. My outta control meeting. es it started well initially in Leigh’s beautifully prepared garage follow- ing on from the past two meetings held in the equally prepared exotic premises of messers Martin & Buckley. We must compliment Leigh as it appears that there was a significant makeover from last year’s meeting up in Aldgate, memorabilia rehung, nuts n bolts bins tidied up and I can go on. Thankyou Leigh for the LED street light- ing strung between the trees, nearly as bright as Peter Auld’s TF on high beam in Hillside Road. Thanks also for the red hot gas heaters, superb and ap- preciated by all on a cool but rainless night. Ab s e n t members. Apologies received from the following (go to the next paragraph if you find this boring) who missed an entertaining but dys- lexic run of events: In no particular order of im- Y 8