MG Motoring 2017 Dec2017-opt | Page 15

December 2017 Similarly, the MGA with radial ply tyres does benefit from adding the optional 9/16 th inch diameter front anti-roll bar which happens to be standard fitment to MGB tourers. As they are now most likely all on radials they too could proba- bly be improved by changing up to a 5/8 th anti-roll bar. Another trading op- portunity for MGA owners! The only other suspension modification I would suggest for radial ply tyres involve changing the bushes in the rear spring shackles to nylothane to reduce side- ways movement and replacing standard bushes with MGB V8 bushes in the in- ner wishbone pivots of the front suspen- sion to improve steering precision. 2018 CALENDAR In 2018, Club Registration will take place on Saturdays from 10am to 12 noon on the following dates:- January 6, 13 and 20, and February 3, 10, 17 and 24, with normal operations resuming for the remainder of the year, from March to November on the 2 nd and 4 th Satur- days of each month, and finishing for the year on December 1 and 8. Geoff Goode Club Registrar for the Club Registration Scheme 2018 National Meeting Tasmania Easter Weekend 30th March - 3rd April 2018 Before you know it Easter will be here! Registrations open 1 December – check our website for links. I recommend booking early as there will be a limit on numbers. Accommodation shouldn’t be a problem but make sure you book the Spirit of Tasmania asap to ensure you & your car get there before the event. Don’t forget to mention the even when booking – it’s worth a 5% reduction. We’ll have a pre-National Meeting get-together on Friday 2 nd February at the Clubrooms to compare plans, travel arrangements, outfits for the social night and get to know each other better before we leave. If you have queries about this event or National Meetings in general please contact me on 0417 821 468 or [email protected] . Chris Bray SA Club Coordinator 13