November 2016
wiches, jelly tarts, and little cream
cakes provided by the Country
Woman’s Association ladies.
The run took us in a roundabout route
of some 35 Kms through picturesque
scenery along some sealed back
roads ending at an old hall way out in
a rural backwater- Downside Hall built
in 1926. This gave us all the feeling to
go with our old cars of bye-gone days,
a basic galvanised iron clad hall,
which I am sure could have told lots of
The drive back to Wagga was still in
misty rain but no problems with any of
the cars except a beautiful black TC
has an oil leak and was been attended to by several knowledgeable
“T” Type mechanics who were helping.
That evening was the GOF Dinner
held this year at Mecure Hotel, quite
close to our Motel. The theme was to
dress in the era of your car, optional.
The Wagga MG Club always arrange
for busses to drop off and pick up as
part of the package, to ensure those
who wish can have a few drinks if desired.
The MC for the night was Daryl Ross,
the Club’s President and he kept the
evening going between the serving of
some absolutely lovely food. The
Mecure staff worked very efficiently in
serving & clearing the tables. The
Beef in a red wine sauce was awesome! And I know I should have not
had the rich sweets but! You know
how it is!! Too late!!
Daryl called out my name and I had
the opportunity to have a few minutes
talk to invite all the MG owners to
come to Adelaide at Easter in 2017
for the MG National Meeting.
The Alf Luckman award this year went
to Darryl and Jane Purvis who won
the award for the MG travelling 1329
klms to Wagga from Deception Bay
Qld driving their white Magnette., we
came in second having driven some
870 kms to Wagga. This award was
handed to Daryl by Dot Luckman, I
might have mentioned that we met the
Luckmans in their Y Type on our first
National Meeting on the Wharf prior to
boarding the Princess to go over to
Tasmania in 1996.
During our meals there was some
very courageous Wagga Club members who unbeknown to us all enjoying ourselves were nowhere near the
Mecure Hotel! They were down at the
Wagga Beach parking area rescuing
all the trophies and other Club regalia
from the rising flood waters! The Murrumbidgee River has risen above the
Levies and the whole parking area
was waist deep in flood water. Given
that the temperature was down about
8 or 9 degrees I am sure that they
needed a hot shower afterwards, anyway they did rescue all the gear which
was stored in a little hut used by the
Wagga Club at the time of GOF.
The next morning was the actual
Gathering which included a hearty
breakfast of bacon and eggs plus
toast and cups of tea. We were supposed to all Gather at the Wagga
Beach car park and when we got
there we saw that there was no way
that we could get anywhere near the
parking area, all closed off and water
completely covered this huge area
and the water was rushing down the
river having picked up water from further upstream, it would be several
days before this area could become