Metro North Adult Basic Education (ABE) Links Spring 2024 | Page 3

The skills that every neighbor needs

Metro North Adult Basic Education ’ s New American Academy ( pictured on the cover ), is a specialized initiative sponsored by the Anoka County Children and Family Council . The purpose is to empower adult learners by connecting them with the community services needed to succeed in their new homeland . Recognizing the unique challenges faced by immigrant communities , the program offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers what services are available and how to access them .
The New American Academy ’ s program is tailored to the needs of adult learners , supporting a wide range of language levels so that all community members can participate . The program ’ s civic education component aims to promote cultural integration by providing learners with a deep understanding of the culture , laws , and institutions of their new country .
By providing accessible and high-quality education , Metro North ’ s New American Academy offers a beacon of hope for those seeking to build a brighter future in their new home . The program strives to bridge the gaps and challenges faced by adult immigrants , promoting cultural integration and self-sufficiency , thus enriching the lives of learners and their communities .

New office location in Blaine Human Services Center

While our classrooms at the Blaine Learning Lab have all stayed the same , there are several other services in the Blaine Human Services Center , located at 1201 89th Ave . NE ., that have changed . There may be even more changes in the future , but below is the most updated services map for the building .