The courage to move to another country , learn another language , and adapt to another culture : at Metro North , most of our adult learners have this courage . 79 % of our learners were born outside of the United States .
We know that our community benefits from new people and what they bring us , but there is also an incredible benefit for anyone who takes on the challenges of learning a language and culture while living in it , throwing yourself into an experience and allowing that struggle and joy to build your character and stretching your capabilities to reach your full potential .
Teaching to your full potential
One of Metro North ABE ’ s newest teachers knows those benefits well . Being born in Barbados and then attending school in New York , Michelle Grosvenor moved to Japan after graduating college . She fell in love with living in a new land . Through her ten-year stay in Japan , Michelle was introduced to teaching English . She began teaching children at an international school , but quickly moved to teaching adults . After years of teaching at different levels , Michelle knew she wanted to advance her teaching expertise .
So , Michelle returned to the United States and earned her advanced degree at the New School in New York City .
While in the program , Michelle had the opportunity to teach immigrant adults . “ That was one of the most rewarding teaching experiences I ’ ve ever had and it greatly influenced my decision to pursue teaching in the field of ABE / ESL .”
We are so grateful to have Michelle join the team of incredible teachers at Metro North ABE , teachers who get to know learners because they share a deep passion for learning .
Rights and responsibilities of community and police
Metro North ABE ’ s Adult Education Center- Columbia Heights / Fridley has a long-standing partnership with their local community-oriented police department . For a number of years , officers have visited adult ESL and GED classes to answer questions that learners have about policing , community safety , and local laws . In the past few years it has become more visible that issues still remain regarding disparities in how our public servants protect different populations in the community , especially people of color . As a result , the rights and responsibilities of both the community and its police departments in creating safe communities are under discussion . In particular , we are exploring how we can help both the police officers and adult learners from the community have civil discussions on these difficult topics .
In December 2018 , Columbia Heights Police Chief Lenny Austin approached ABE Program Supervisor , Kathleen Moriarty , to partner on enhanced programming centered on exploring the rights and responsibilities embedded in the US Constitution . The Columbia Heights Police Department wanted officers to revisit the core of what their role is in protecting the rights of community members . As always , Metro North ABE strives to create a stronger , more educated , and just community . The Adult Education Center- Columbia Heights / Fridley welcomed the opportunity to engage with local police officers to educate adult learners , especially immigrant learners , on their rights and responsibilities as outlined in via the US Constitution . Practicing civil dialogues was included as a key component .
The high intermediate ESL class is currently part of a federal Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education ( IELCE ) grant . The focus on the US Constitution and building awareness of rights and responsibilities is in alignment with this grant , as well .
We the People of the United States , in order to form a more perfect union , establish justice , insure domestic tranquility , provide for the common defense , promote the general welfare , and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity , do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America . - Preamble to the US Constitution
The Rights and Responsibilities of Community and Police project launched in spring 2021 , with special funding from the Columbia Heights Library Foundation . We are grateful to include a third partner in the project , the National Constitution Center constitutioncenter . org /.
The idea of training the police officers on the US Constitution springboards from an offering of the National Constitution Center , Policing in a More Perfect Union . This training “... is designed to give police officer recruits a historical understanding of the constitutional rights and restrictions that are defined in the Bill of Rights . ( The training ) also examines the history of policing in a democratic society , and provides a forum for new officers to discuss the importance of their role in protecting the rights of all citizens .” Policing in a More Perfect Union Program the Adult Education Center- Columbia Heights / Fridley , the Columbia Heights Police Department , and the National Constitution Center is being implemented in four initial phases : teachers and police officers received online training this past spring from the National Constitution Center on the Constitution and specific amendments to be taught ( 1st , 4th , 13th / 14th / 15th ); teachers drafted a unit of instruction based on this information this summer ; the team ( five police officers and three ABE staff ) traveled to Philadelphia in August to tour the National Constitution Center and receive additional training on conducting civil dialogues ; and finally , the unit was implemented with adult learners in the fall of 2021 , in partnership with the police officers .
The goal of the overall project is to educate Metro North ABE adult learners , ( and ABE staff and Columbia Heights police officers ) about their rights and responsibilities in relation to the Constitution , the history and role of policing in our nation , and to practice civil dialogues to create a more engaged community .
This innovative project partnership between