to just a clean and tidy atmosphere to stay where they get reasonably good food and the facilities for entertainments , reading , and periodical health check up . Meeting friends and relations occasionally will certainly make them cheerful . We need such Geriatric Homes in Trivandrum .
Instead of looking for supportive action from Government machineries , the voluntary service organizations functioning in the city like Lions Club , Rotary Club or Ys Men can take lead roles in this direction . Joint ventures with like-minded organizations or some corporates having social commitment can also be ideal propositions .
A fine example is the “ Lions Bhavan ” at Thiruvallam on the Kovalam By Pass Road . Lions Clubs in Trivandrum and Quilon Districts ( District 318 A ) decided to set up a Geriatric Care Home , and an adhoc body – Lions Foundation Kerala – was formed . Members of various Lions Clubs in the area took contributory membership in the Foundation , and raised a substantial amount . Lions Clubs International Foundation ( LCIF ), the
www . metromartdaily . com contributing arm of Lions Clubs approved the project and came forward with a matching contribution . The project was visualized designed and inaugurated within an amazingly short period of 12 months .
Today , this Geriatric Care Centre provides accommodation and other facilities to some elderly citizens and conducts regular medical check-up and lab tests for inmates as well as the elders in the neighbourhood . Lions Club , joining hands with the Alzhiemers and Related Diseases Society of India ( ARDSI ) is giving shelter to 15 Dementia patients at the Lions Bhavan . A Vocational Training Centre for Autistic Children also functions here .
Lions Bhavan is just a guiding light . We need more such homes in our city in the near future itself . Of course , there may be hurdles and setbacks . But
a group of philanthropic people with clear vision and total commitment can definitely make the results .
Shri . R . Murugan is the Chairman of the PRS Group , Trivandrum , and the Executive Director of Lions Bhavan . The project was his brain child ; and executed when he was the Lions District Governor in 2004-05 . Presently Shri . R . Murugan is the Secretary cum Treasurer of Lions Co-ordination Committee of India and he has also been endorsed to be the International Director of Lions Clubs International
July 2013 21