" We ’ re currently getting more gigs under our belt and writing some new material to show that metal core is not a dirty word as people make it out to be , metal core has a bad reputation because of all the generic bands that are out there , but come to one of our shows and we will change any bad thoughts of the genre and blow you away ! You can listen to our material and find photos and gig information on our Face book , Twitter or Reverb nation Pages . We ’ re always looking for shows so if you want a band with a great set and great stage presence to match get in touch !"
This band is the future of the music that we all love and im sure there is many great things to come from this band would like to wish them all the best and for more information on this ship is ours check out there website .
Face book : https :// www . facebook . com / ThisShipIsOur s
Twitter : @ TSIO _ official
Reverbnation : http :// www . reverbnation . com / thisshipiso urs