Mesquite families enjoyed the 2nd annual Read, included dozens of Mesquite families with kids of all
Play, Talk at the Planetarium event on Saturday, ages and several volunteers, including Ready, Set,
May 19. MISD’s own Planetarium Facilitator and Teach students from Poteet.
outer space expert Leslie Barnhill developed the Camp Gladiator also set up an activity, and there
idea for this event last year, and it has quickly
become a tradition!
(Star Garrison) and the Rebel Legion (Kessel Base)
It is planned and hosted by the district’s esteemed onsite. Amazingly, one of the Star Wars volunteers
science department, whose coordinators spend was a Kimbrough Middle School teacher, Brenda Le.
their days developing rigorous curriculum for One of the main draws for the afternoon were
our students. Guests of the planetarium event
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were Star Wars characters from the 501st Legion
the dome shows, which allows members of