By Charlotte Forde
Fitness training may not be for everyone but fitness training should be accessible and inclusive to everyone . I frequently get asked the question for several different reasons , “ Do you train people like me ?” Truth be told , I will train anybody who I feel I can help and I will refer anyone who I know that I can ’ t .
My youngest client is currently 7 years old and my eldest client is 68 years old . I am training somebody with a prosthetic leg , somebody with CFS , somebody with an irregular heartbeat , somebody with arthritis , somebody with hypermobility , somebody who is prenatal to name but a few . I am training couples together , parent and child together , friends together ; amateur golfers , professional golfers and a greenkeeper . People wanting to gain strength to carry their children , people wanting to lose weight to improve their confidence , people who want to improve their sports performance . The list is endless with the variety of clients that I see day in day out and as much as I am a great supporter of the quote ‘ jack of all trades and a master of none ’, I don ’ t believe that the diverse range of clients that I have reflect this . Ultimately my trade is fitness and wellbeing ; I may have specialisms such as Pre and Post Natal Exercise , Golf Fitness and Water Fitness however , my greatest strength is adaptability .
Fitness and wellness go far beyond exercise and nutrition . After all , mental and emotional health are equally important to a person ’ s wellbeing and also have a direct impact on physical health . We can ’ t adequately take a holistic approach to wellness without addressing barriers that some people face and how it affects wellbeing and prevents some people from feeling safe in their bodies and in fitness spaces .
As fitness professionals , if we are sincerely interested in serving all clients and helping them pursue wellness , we must identify barriers to participation and how it can affect our clients . We need to have a working understanding of gender , sexual orientation , ability , body diversity , and more , and how those identities affect people ’ s lives in and out of the gym . This requires taking time to acknowledge and examine our own biases and beliefs and educate ourselves in areas where we may not be competent ; this can only enable growth . Aside from that , diversity and inclusion have so many benefits that allow us to broaden our perspective .
The most important things that we need to remember are :
• Contrary to what we see portrayed in fitness magazines and throughout social media , fitness is for everyone . Fitness isn ’ t for a particular size , gender , shape , age , or ethnicity . You don ’ t need to look a certain way to have a ‘ fit ’ body , nor do you need to possess any particular physical characteristics to engage in physical activity of any form .
• Representation is vital because what people see shapes their perception of reality and what they deem to be possible for themselves and for people who look like them . It ’ s also important for people from dominant groups to see what is possible for people who don ’ t look like them .
• Have you ever walked into a space and not felt welcomed ? If we aren ’ t mixing identities , it ’ s easy to lack the awareness of how we are creating less than welcoming spaces . Being a minority in a non-diverse setting or industry can feel extremely isolating .
• If everyone in your social and professional circles looks just like you , you run the risk of missing out on important growth opportunities . Being around people who are different from yourself , who can offer a different perspective , one you may have never considered , allows you to expand your knowledge and self-awareness . A big part of that process requires that you listen . You may not experience everything someone else experiences , but you can do your best to understand and empathize for other people . Most importantly , you can be open to learning more and accepting feedback without centering yourself in the conversation .
• Prioritizing diversity and inclusion matters in every aspect of life , but even more so in fitness and wellbeing because health and wellness are important for everyone . The benefits of wellness , whether it be movement , nutrition , or mindset , extend to every single human being . Everyone deserves access to wellness in environments that feel welcoming and comfortable and where they feel respected . If these environments aren ' t inclusive , people will feel unwelcome and it may have lasting impacts on their personal relationship with wellness .
Fitness is for everyone . Change only occurs when we create accountability and we are all responsible .
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